Everyone is saying Felicity was OOC character because she loved - TopicsExpress


Everyone is saying Felicity was OOC character because she loved the dress and necklace but what woman wouldnt? Especially if it was that fancy. Every woman appreciates pretty things. Weve never really seen Felicity outside the Arrow cave but we did last night. We saw her inner girl but most woman have inside. Ok some woman dont care about fancy stuff but a lot do. It doesnt make Felicity wrong or shallow for being wrapped up in all the stuff. I mean come on it was a 10 million dollar necklace who wouldnt be giddy about wearing it? Who wouldnt want to wear an amazing dress like the one she got? It wasnt much OOC because we havent truly learned all sides of Felicity but we are now and it kinda sucks that everyone is doubting her because she got excited over what all woman get excited about. As soon as the dinner was over she went straight back to the cave to help Oliver. She gets there and once again he said he needs to be alone, he cant be with anyone. Another message that he can never be with Felicity of course she went into Rays arms willingly. The man that she loves just confirmed again they could never be. She even gave him a chance to say something when she told him about the dinner. She said, is that ok? She kinda lingered on it like she wanted Oliver to tell her no that it would drive him crazy if he went out with someone else but instead he said, do what you want. So she did. Being the strong person that she is she chose herself. What any strong woman would do. If Felicity was your best friend what would you honestly tell her to do? I know I would tell her to move on because Ive had friends in situations (not exactly like Felicitys obviously) but I told them to stop putting themselves through all this torture, find someone that will deserve their love. Now Im not saying Oliver didnt deserve it because he does but hes not accepting it so she has a right to find someone that will. Itd be different if Oliver told her how he felt and said he wanted to be with her and she still chose Ray. Then Id be mad but right now I understand Felicitys side. Its not like she knew Oliver was coming and she definitely didnt kiss Ray knowing Oliver would see. Now that would be OOC, if she kissed Ray knowing Oliver was there. But Felicity isnt cruel like that. Shes just doing what she thinks is best for her. Lets not forget Oliver kissed Sara right in front of Felicity. And some will argue they hadnt confessed their feelings yet but Oliver knew. He knew Felicity had strong feelings for her and thats why he felt guilty and explained himself for sleeping with Isabel because he knew he had hurt Felicity. So when he was dating Sara he knew about Felicity feelings. Im just saying if youre going to hate and blame Felicity then you should but some of that on Oliver too. No one is prefect everyone has flaws. But #OlicityIsEndgame. You just have to be patient through this bumpy road. - Olicity
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 19:12:14 +0000

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