Everyone knows that the Titanic sank in the cold waters of the - TopicsExpress


Everyone knows that the Titanic sank in the cold waters of the North Atlantic, but according to conspiracy theorists, that is only the tip of the iceberg. Groups such as the Pacific Institute claim the Jesuits intentionally sank the Titanic in order to create the Federal Reserve Bank.As the story goes, in 1910, representatives of the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and J.P. Morgan (all rich, all powerful, all members of the Illuminati) met to discuss the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Jesuits planned to use this central banking system to finance their evil schemes of world domination. However, the Vatican knew their plan would be opposed by John Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isador Strauss, three of the richest men in the world. So, logically, these guys had to die, and they had to die in the craziest way possible so no one would ever suspect foul play. The Jesuits ordered J.P. Morgan, owner of White Star Lines, to build the Titanic. Astor, Guggenheim, and Strauss were all invited to sail on the unsinkable luxury liner, unaware the voyage would mean their deaths.The whole plot hinged on the actions of Edward Smith, captain of the Titanic. As the story goes, Smith was actually a “Jesuit tempore co-adjator” which is basically a guy who has sworn his life to the Jesuit order. His mission from God was to intentionally ram the Titanic into an iceberg and kill everyone aboard. It didn’t matter that many of the passengers were Catholic immigrants. In fact, the Vatican intentionally filled the ship with Church members in order to deflect suspicion from the Jesuits.Finally, on April 15th, 1912, Smith made his move. He steered the Titanic into an iceberg, sinking the ship and drowning Astor, Guggenheim, and Strauss. The Church’s enemies had been eliminated, and by December 1913, the Federal Reserve System was in place. The Jesuits would now be able to finance their dreams of taking over the world.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 09:04:19 +0000

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