...Everyone must take note of conditions on the international - TopicsExpress


...Everyone must take note of conditions on the international stage. Everyone knows the majority of the information surrounding Crimea. I have noted that none of the press has attended to the real subject. All reports I have seen or heard are NOT addressing any of the Critical issues... The answers to that are found in the ‘objections’. People’s rights, freedom, and the ability to make ‘free will’ decisions. There have been NO violations involved in the process of the people of Crimea holding a ‘referendum’. Most know that this is a basic ‘Right’ of all free people, to offer a legal avenue of expression of their desire to change their circumstances with regards to their freedom to act, and decide exactly the governance they have. In this case, an established Central Bank controlled country, has stated in public, that the people of Crimea are NOT free. Everyone must realize and understand that, the Central Bank System’s partner is the established government and their partners/supporters. This is the two level standard operational procedure used world wide. It is nothing short of declaring ownership of the people and country involved. Refusal of recognition on every level and in all ways by declaration of illegitimacy of any act taken in contrast to, or outside of, their direct Control. Several actions have been taken by the ‘puppets’ who were Illegally installed into the Ukraine government. No vote, no consensus of the people, just this is how things are going to be, like it or not. Military actions against the people? Armed forces dictating to either accept or we break your head, shoot you, etc. Make no mistake about any of this. Do NOT think for one minute that anyone, anywhere, is immune to such actions. The forgotten ‘Cold War’ never ended, it was just removed from current events, no press coverage, and No advertizing that the cold war was still there and going Strong! Most, if not All, of those ‘involved’ (owned/controlled by the central banks) have been very active in every one of the ‘actions’ in what little ‘news’ that has been outed. Every time you hear of an ‘incident’ these people are directly and primarily ‘Involved’. No one is ‘safe’. No one is immune. Yes there is an answer to this ‘problem’. Just as with the people of Crimea, it has come time for ALL people who would be FREE, to say so…to stand up to this ‘above the law’ set of Oligarch/Elite who believe they have the right to do anything that is to their benefit. Everyone, everywhere, have been given their ‘Rights’ by The Creator! It is time to let all rulers know that We The People are no longer willing to blindly follow the dictates of those who only have the ‘conscience’ of the almighty bottom line of money and power. That no ‘agenda’ is supreme and that those involved are NOT above any law. Does anyone find it interesting that it took a super power to ensure the ‘rights’ of Crimea? That a ‘Communist’ country and its leader have had to step up and stand for Freedom? Everyone must understand how Critical all this is. Each of you must see that this can work. All need to sacrifice their ‘security’ in order to regain ‘freedom’… NATO was supposed to protect the Ukraine from their enemies, and yet, these same protectors have shown a willingness to start WW III in order to ‘enforce’ their way or die philosophy…
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:26:45 +0000

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