Everyone needs to understand this is VERY SIMPLE! We are THE - TopicsExpress


Everyone needs to understand this is VERY SIMPLE! We are THE PEOPLE, Congress is THE PEOPLE, the President is THE PEOPLE and the Police are THE PEOPLE! Congress has Exempted themselves from legislation for the COMMON PEOPLE which DOESNT EXIST IN THIS COUNTRY!! So TECHNICALLY none of those policies are valid because THERE ARE NO COMMONERS HERE!!! The Entire point of the IDEA OF THE USA was that NO ONE is COMMON FOLK! Everyone is EQUAL! All men are created EQUALLY! This NONSENSE that the Government has forced us to eat is a LIE and we need to Confront it HEAVILY! The 2nd Amendment is SIMPLE. The Purpose for WE THE PEOPLE to Keep and Bear arms is NECESSARY for the SECURITY of a FREE STATE!! Nothing in that Amendment allows for the Congress or anyone else to come in years later and pretend that it really means A POLICE FORCE or OUR HOMES. WE COULD NEVER Keep the STATE SECURE STAYING IN OUR HOUSES IF IT BECAME NECESSARY!! Here is the REALITY of why this Court is pushing this nonsense... They KNOW what the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is but they are trying to see how the people would react to more chipping away at our RIGHTS!! It is THAT SIMPLE! The ONLY time we EVER question what the 2nd Amendment or any Amendment for that matter means is when they want to ROB US of our Rights! Its that damn SIMPLE and I have a Message for them... SCREW YOU! YOU WILL STOP THIS BULLSHIT IMMEDIATELY AND STOP TRYING TO TAKE THE VERY FIRST AND SECOND RIGHTS WE HAVE AWAY! IN FACT, YOU LEGALLY CANNOT TAKE THEM AWAY AND YOU ARE OUTSIDE OF YOUR ORDER!!! I BECOME PERFECTLY WITHIN MY RIGHTS TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION AGAINST THEM IF THEY TRY ANYTHING LIKE REMOVING ANY PART OF THAT RIGHT! ITS NOT THEIRS TO TAKE!!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:10:08 +0000

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