Everyone of us is hurt from time to time. Sometimes we are hurt - TopicsExpress


Everyone of us is hurt from time to time. Sometimes we are hurt intentionally by others and sometimes unintentionally. Some hurts are little and within a short time we forget about them. What I want to talk about are the times when we are hurt and time doesn’t seem to bring healing. Every time we think of the person who hurt us, the pain and anger wells up inside again. Most people do not know what to do and continue to live with the pain, which often gets worse with time. I believe that there are two things God wants us to do when we are hurt. If we do these two things, God will bring healing into our life. The first thing to do when we are hurt is the simplest, but often overlooked. Simply pray and ask for God to help you. There is great power in prayer. God is there to help, if we will but ask Him and oftentimes humble ourselves to ask others to pray. The second thing to do when we are hurt is more difficult, it does not come naturally. When we are hurt, God wants to teach us to forgive the person who hurt us. Many people have trouble with forgiveness, they think that forgiveness is letting the other person off the hook. Forgiveness is really about letting ourselves off the hook. What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is simply yielding your right to get even with the person who hurt us. It is not saying that what they did was right, it is not saying that God will let them off the hook. It is giving up on revenge and praying for them. How can we forgive when the hurt is great? We can forgive as you remember that God has forgiven us. We can forgive when we acknowledge that God is in control. Nothing that anyone will ever do to us can prevent God’s plan for our life. God is able to take even the worst of the hurts and turn it around for good for those who love God. The answer to broken relationships, the answer to hurts in our life, the answer to problems between nations is found in Jesus. He has forgiven us, so we can forgive others. TEV Eph. 4:32 Forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:59:31 +0000

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