Everyone seems to take this back to the 1980 election, and - TopicsExpress


Everyone seems to take this back to the 1980 election, and Republicans always seem to deny the run-up to that election. Through most of October, the polls showed the race tightening as millions of moderates started wondering if Reagan really was too much of an extremist. With five days to go till the election, President Carter had pulled almost even and there were still large numbers of undecided voters. But on the weekend, Iran paraded the American hostages through the streets of Tehran on the one-year anniversary of the attack on our embassy. Exit polls showed that five million voters switched from Carter to Reagan that last weekend. Most of Reagans margin didnt come from folks who believed in trickle-down economics or tax cuts for the rich. It came because Carter wouldnt do what Reagan did later with the Ayatollah -- pay ransom for hostages. And thats where what were seeing now started. With a new president whose only real accomplishment was making folks feel good about being Americans.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:49:15 +0000

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