Everyone should watch this short video. For those who live in - TopicsExpress


Everyone should watch this short video. For those who live in Colorado or Oregon, where GMO labeling legislation is on the ballot, you will find this video a dramatic contrast to the barrage of commercials on your television and social networking sites. Nearly all those commercial were paid for by Monsanto and other mega-corporations that make poisons and/or foods that contain them. This video is only about one minute long, but quickly brings us back to the REAL issue in this election, which is the danger of eating foods contaminated with poison and not being warned about it. Unless you have turned off your TVs and computers, you folks in Colorado and Oregon have been hearing commercial after commercial about how inconvenient, expensive, and unnecessary it would be to label GMO ingredients. The ads falsely claim that GMO labeling would hurt farmers. The truth is GMO labeling will help them. With GMO labeling, farmers who produce organic food will see a big jump in demand and many chemical farmers will choose to return to traditional and sustainable agricultural practices and will make bigger profits, which they can keep them, rather handing them over to Monsanto and the other poison monopolies. There is no mention in these poison-industry commercials about all the adverse health effects that are increasingly being documented in animals and humans who eat these poison-laced foods. Please share this video with all your friends. We have a right to know what we are eating. If you know anyone in Colorado or Oregon, please urge them to vote to make their States leaders in changing food labels nationwide. https://facebook/video.php?v=10152880739119388&set=vb.162878479387&type=2&theater
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 22:42:34 +0000

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