Everyone trying to truncate your destiny wont see next - TopicsExpress


Everyone trying to truncate your destiny wont see next month...Pastor Adeboye EA. For me, kamo Emmanuel Kamo, I refuse to make a distinction between one who preaches to millions that their enemies will die soon and one who is physically violent. Society must interrogate all belief systems that make it OK for one person to wish death on another. Hate is the mother of violence. Every religion must interrogate itself constantly and allow for growth and improvement. Or you breed monsters from within. The people who say their religion preaches peace and there is no other interpretation make dialogue difficult same as those who are violent to others. Youre a pastor wishing death on enemies, what makes you different from Boko haram? And it is so easy for some to say Christianity is not as violent as Islam. Especially in Nigeria, Christian rhetoric can be as violent in words like the prayer of pastor Adeboye above. You wish death on your enemies in Church? You are not different from those who actually kill in Gods name. You are just more cowardly. My view is that Islam is just at the phase Christianity was about 500-600 years ago. Many would agree. Some would not. Apart from pacifist persuasions, almost all religious groups have at some point in history used violence for its ends. I believe it is an important question. What in religion makes it so easy to be used in justifying extreme violence around the world? See, I grew up as an Alter boy in the Catholic Church and maybe its because of my religious upbringing, I have taken part in all these violent prayers like fall down and die, wishing my enemies death et al. Jesus never prayed that way. My Rev fathers I grew up under like Korayom Denis, clement Iortyer, Andrew Adaga etc never taught us volent prayers so when a I hear people saying violent prayers I see them as repackaged native doctors.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:41:12 +0000

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