Everyone welcome our Athlete of The Week, Richard! Richard is a - TopicsExpress


Everyone welcome our Athlete of The Week, Richard! Richard is a 23, year old recent graduate from North Carolina State University with a degree in Political Science. He is also a trainer and loves the rewards of staying healthy, eating clean and consistently improving. So without further wait let’s just right in! Take it away Richard… ----- During undergrad, I was a certified personal trainer and trained part-time out of the university’s gym facility. From long days of reading and writing papers, to still having the energy to train others, as well as myself, I definitely maintained a busy schedule during college, but that’s the way I liked it. Upon graduating, I landed a job working for the State of North Carolina, and my future aspiration is to attend law school. But I’m not trying to fool anyone – although I suit up every day for work and plan on drowning myself in books once in law school, there’s nothing more that I love than throwing on a tank and sweats, blasting my headphones, and smashing some weights. What motivates me to stay healthy and fit is the Pain and the Gain. The Pain of not eating every single thing in front of me; the Pain of finding the energy after a long day at work to simply get to the gym, and then finding more energy to actually workout; the Pain of completely destroying my muscles after multiple burnout sets; the Pain endured days after that workout; finally, the Pain of knowing that tomorrow is a new day, the gym is open and it’s leg day… Nonetheless, the worse that the Pain is, the greater the Gains – This is what drives me. The rewards of training smart, eating smart and staying consistent, is so gratifying that I can’t imagine why others, who have the same opportunities as me, don’t share the same passion as I do. I joined my first gym six years ago, but I would say it was not until about four years ago when I finally had a decent foundation of knowledge on proper techniques, supplements, etc. But even today, I still find myself asking questions, researching online and making changes to my routines. Being healthy and fit is not easy – it takes dedication, knowledge and time. I remind myself that the only way I will achieve my fitness, and overall life goals, is to keep feeding my mind and body with the right things. Stay hungry. Stay humble. It wasn’t until recently when I was introduced to Exceed Evolution, but shortly after reading into it, it was easy to see that Exceed Evolution is not just a company or a website – it is a network of knowledge and opportunities that can expand your mental and physical physiques. It takes a bunch of awesome things like social media, and health and fitness, and threads them together so that it can be utilized by just about anyone! ----- Stay Hungry. Stay Humble. Well said Richard, keep up the great work. We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort... - The Exceed Evolution Team
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 21:51:34 +0000

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