Everyone (whether they want to be or not) is aware that Dec. 25th - TopicsExpress


Everyone (whether they want to be or not) is aware that Dec. 25th is Christmas, the day on which Christians worldwide (with a few calendrical and/or dogmatic differences) celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. A lesser known, far less distinguished and/or palatable (but in many ways more rife with ironic commentary on the nature of man) tradition is the Takanakuy (Quechua word for to hit each other), an event looked forward to each year by the inhabitants of Chumbivilcas Province, near Cuzco in Peru. On Dec. 25th, crowds gather together to dance, and to slap each other upside the head with fists, rocks, rudely carved cudgels, etc., in an attempt to either settle old scores, display their manhood, or perhaps simply prove that they are every bit as stupid as their neighbors. There are distinctive categories of costumes participants wear based on social standing, intention, ancestry, or state of inebriation. And, oh, yes, you cant have a formalized ceremonial street brawl without a lot of inebriation. The government of Peru has tried on numerous occasions to eradicate this particular blight on their culture, but... thus far, no avail. It is, frankly, the only thing in the world I can think of which is more offensive than mixed martial arts or NASCAR, but it does, at least, have the advantage over both of those preposterous sports in that it does not have sponsors, nor does it particularly damage the environment. Doesnt mean it isnt equally stupid, but, hey, if I had a nickel for every stupid thing that human beings do to each other, I would be considerably more wealthy than I am now.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:44:41 +0000

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