Everyone you meet reflects a part of yourself back to you. For - TopicsExpress


Everyone you meet reflects a part of yourself back to you. For example, you may have suppressed anger inside you and will have this brought out by someone you are in a relationship with. Their words and behaviour are mirrors of what you are projecting energetically. What you see in them is almost ALWAYS a reflection of a part of yourself that suffers in that same area. If you want a different result from people around you, you can’t always expect them to change for you. Sometimes, all you can do is take responsibility for your own energetic state and be as centered and conscious as you can be. But there’s a catch. You will notice that as you start working on yourself, that the people in your life stop responding to you the same way they used to. You have created a new energetic relationship with them, and the ones that used to give you a hard time no longer do because they are no longer mirroring your shadow qualities back at you. Whether for good or for bad, the people closest to you will always mirror back to you what you need to work on. Your job is to listen, observe, and be honest with yourself. - See more at: spiritscienceandmetaphysics/5-rules-for-being-human/#sthash.brAywmNs.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 05:32:09 +0000

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