Everyones PR client Admir Serrano shares an Excerpt from his - TopicsExpress


Everyones PR client Admir Serrano shares an Excerpt from his compelling book– “The End of Death” CHAPTER I We Are More Than Lynda Bunnell We are not the physical body we see in the mirror every day. Neither was Celi the comatose body in that hospital bed; she was the being outside it, spiritual and eternal. And so is each one of us. To the physical body, we are tenants, occupying it until the assigned time of our earthly existence is over. And when it is over, the body dies and we are out, lively as ever. The physical body is governed by two energy forces—organic and spiritual, call it consciousness, if you prefer. “Without the slightest doubt there is something through which material (organic) and spiritual energy (force) hold together and are completmentary.”¹ The organic force maintains the physical organs alive and functioning, while the spiritual force gives it vitality, the power of motion, intelligence, consciousness, character, personality traits, psychic abilities, talents, in a word, all those elements that are part of us which are not physically based. The spiritual force impregnates every atom, cell, molecule and organs of the physical body, organizing it as a coherent unit. In reality, the spiritual force is the matrix molding the physical body, which it permeates, surrounds, energizes, holds together and compels “atoms and molecules to assume—and to retain through constant changes of material—stable arrangements.”² Scientists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries called the spiritual force within physical organisms, vitalism. Vitalists, as they were called, believed that living beings contained a vital force that was independent of the body and infused life into it, a conscious soul or spirit which creates the body and functions through it.³ Back in those times for a scientist to endow a human being with a ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’ animating a physical body was acceptable. Today it is heresy. But that does not mean contemporary reputable scientists do not believe in the existence of such a non-physical organizing force enmeshed with a physical body. Many do, but they can’t call it ‘spirit’, unless they are contemplating early retirement and academic disgrace. And those who believe—and many have even tested it in their labs—must create scientific-sounding terms, as far away as possible from that heretic name. For instance, Harold Saxton Burr, a professor of anatomy at Yale University School of Medicine from 1916 to 1956, and an expert in bioelectrodynamics, applied techniques and used sophisticated instruments that “revealed that man—and, in fact, all forms—are ordered and controlled by electro-dynamic fields which can be measured and mapped with precision.”4 Burr called them fields of life or L-Fields, for short. “The electro-dynamic field of the body serves as a matrix or mould, which preserves the ‘shape’ or arrangement of any material poured into it, however often the material may be changed.”5 More recently, English biochemist Ruppert Sheldrake, a former fellow of the Royal Society of London, proposed that all living organisms, including us, of course, have within them “morphogenetic fields [which] are responsible for the organization and form of material systems.”6 As you can see, Sheldrake’s morphogenetic—he also calls them morphic—fields echo Burr’s L-fields, with a different name. Prana (India), chi (China), ka (Egypt) and just plain energy fields are popular terms associated with that invisible and everlasting force which makes us more than mere mortals materialistic science wants us to believe we are. “There is no concept more familiar to us than that of spirit energy, yet there is none more opaque scientifically.”7 Regardless of the name given to this spiritual force, it has another particular power. It is capable, by some unknown mechanism, to assemble itself into a spirit body which can function independently of the physical and survive bodily death. Astral, etheric or energy body are popular terms associated with this subtle part of our being. Moreover, as it assembles itself and exits the physical body, it transfers to itself all of our cognitive abilities and sensory capacities, which are enhanced as we are no longer confined to the grossness and limitations of the material body and physical organs. It was in this subtle or spirit body that Celi, her true self, manifested while the physical body lay comatose. And it is the existence of this spirit body, its ability to leave the physical counterpart, bringing with it one’s cognitive abilities and sensory capacities that allow people in the imminence of death, such as Celi was, to undergo a near-death experience (NDE), such as she did. Not only NDE it allows, but also out-of-body experiences (OBE) when a person is healthy. To better appreciate the NDE phenomenon, it is important to get acquainted with out-of-body experience, OBE for short. This will help you understand how NDE happens. As the term implies, OBE is the experience of leaving one’s physical body. It is by the OBE phenomenon that NDErs are able to see what they see and go where they go during their brush with death. Without an OBE there would be no NDE, since the patient’s consciousness or spirit, numbed, would stay stuck in the physical body, rather than freeing itself and venturing out. OBE happens to all of us when we sleep, even if we don’t remember. It happens in every case of NDE, even if the NDEr doesn’t remember leaving the body. And it will happen to all of us—without exception—when our physical body dies and we—as immortal spirit that we are—leave it for good. Now let’s have some fun with an OBE and see how it works.” Admir Serrano is the author of The End of Death: How Near-Death Experiences Prove the Afterlife. - See more at: admirserrano/the-end-of-death/300-2/#sthash.RF8uFoYX.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 21:44:18 +0000

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