Everyones sitting there bashing mo3 because he was apart of the - TopicsExpress


Everyones sitting there bashing mo3 because he was apart of the ISIS, & saying forget who he used to be, blah blah, First off, we knew him when he was here. So regardless of who he was when he was there, we are remembering him for how he was WHEN HE WAS HERE. Secondly, mo3 was one of the nicest guys. Do i believe he wanted to do what he did ? No. But what if he was held against his will ? The whole either kill with us or be killed thing. I am almost positive if you were given that choice, you wouldnt want to die? You dont know what happened. Im not justifying what he did if he did decide to be with the ISIS, but does that mean all of the children they force to be soldiers need to rot in hell.. He was a friend. Allow people who knew him while he was here to be upset that hes gone before you start talking about how shitty of a person he is, specially when you didnt even know him.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:09:15 +0000

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