Everything I have so far! How can Thor question what I say - TopicsExpress


Everything I have so far! How can Thor question what I say these days Darcy? Im probably the most mentally sound person in this palace besides you these days, and thats saying something considering Im me. Loki said one night. Tonight marked month three since he had gotten out of jail. It is just getting to the point that the dark elves are getting to everyone. They have Jane which is stressing Thor and thats putting a lot of stress on Sif, Fandral, Valstagg, and Hogan. Darcy sat next to him on his bed, dressed in normal mortal clothes. Maybe this is all part of it though! Theyre learning to trust you! Loki laughed bitterly. They trust me less now than they ever have. They all think Im working with the Dark Elves to bring down the nine realms. I dont know why anyone would think that. What would it get me? Darcy sighed as she fiddled with her iPod. Revenge never has logic behind it Loki. But lets not argue about it... Lets talk about where else Jane could be? Loki looked at her, his black hair freshly washed and trimmed thanks to Darcy. Weve checked all of America, north and South, and all of Africa and Europe. We have Asia, Australia, and the poles and well have covered the whole of the Earth. If she isnt there I have no idea what will happen... I do, you two will find her! Darcy said as if it was all that simple. Loki just starred at her. Do you remember when we all actually met for the first time? That was great! Loki smiled at his friend. Of course, how could I forget? Darcy started to talk about the day she met Jane, when they were kids even though they hadnt become friends for a long time. But Lokis mind began to wander much too far to listen. He was suddenly back on Earth the day he had gotten out of jail. His hair was a mess, his robes thrown on and he was completely out of place, him and Thor both. Why are we here Thor? What good is one mortal going to do on our quest? Loki asked. Do not question this already Loki. You have been free for less than two hours. Can you really not trust me already? Thor said as he approached a building with three people inside. I trust you Thor. But only you. He said with an absent mind. He hadnt really had time to look around Midgard when he was attacking... And he was discovering slowly that is was just as interesting as Asgard. People every where glanced at them nervously, almost as if they recognized them. But that wasnt possible... The attack had been ages ago hadnt it? Thor, when did the whole thing on Earth happen? He asked at last. About a year ago. Jane is probably worried sick about me at this point. Thor said as if it was fact. Why do you care anyway? Loki was in stunned silent. How had it only been a year? It felt like tens of years in jail... People here remember that Im the one who led the invasion? He asked. Thor looked at him in wonder. Yes, and they all remember that Im the one who said to give you judgement in Asgard instead of Earth. They dislike us both for various reasons. Loki nodded. So remind me, why are we here? Give me the run down one more time. He said, picking up his pace and walking next to Thor. You see those three people in that building? Theyre names are Jane, Eric and Darcy. When Father banished me I fell into these peoples lives and promised Jane the adventure of her life. You remember Eric Selvig right? He asked as they entered the building. Lokis stomach dropped when he looked up and saw the old man he had controlled in New York. He had absolutely nothing to say. Miss Foster? Thor said. He had the stupid look of Im awesome and I know it in his eyes. Jane looked up and nearly dropped the laptop she was holding. Thor?! She whispered before running over, hugging him and kissing him. Loki glared and moved around the room silently. It was nice, full of equipment he had never seen before. Hello Mister Selvig. And youre Darcy? He asked the small girl who was looking up from her iPod. Youre Loki? She asked softly. He nodded slowly. The one and the only. He moved his gaze to Eric. I think I should apologize for making you open that portal in New York... It was completely uncalled for and hurtful to you. So Im saying sorry. Im not insane Loki anymore. Darcy giggle and looked at him. Saying sorry is going to make it all better, right Eric? Eric looked at him. Of course it wont. But him being her is saying something. Loki looked at him. I can tell you dont like that were here at all. Youd be upset even if it was just Thor. Why? I thought he was a hero here on Midgard. Eric stayed silent. Darcy looked at Loki. Do you really have to question it? Last time Thor was here he promised Jane hed take her on an adventure. Eric sees Jane as a daughter. He doesnt want her dabbling with you crazy gods that call Earth Midgard. Loki knit his eye brows and looked at her. This is Midgard. It was called Midgard long before it was called Earth. Oh was it now? Darcy teased. I dont believe you! Loki tilted his head and the two started arguing in normal tones about wether Loki was correct. Thor smiled at Jane. I promised you I would return. Did I not? She smiled brightly, hair pulled back in a pony tail. How come you were able to be in New York but not here?! She demanded. Thor blinked hard. His hair was pulled half into a pony tail and his armor was dirty. I couldnt. I worked with the Avengers and trust me Jane. It was very dangerous for me to be near you. I wanted to visit more than you know. Jane frowned and looked at him. Trust me, I know. But Thor you cant just bring your sociopathic brother back to Earth after he tried to enslave the human race! Thor just stared at her. Jane, he is safe now. Dont yell at me because youre afraid of something that happened a long time ago! Jane suddenly shoved him. Its only been a year Thor! Maybe a year here is like twenty on Asgard but he didnt try to take over Asgard! He tried to hurt us! Youd be surprised.... Jane scoffed and smacked him on the nose. Listen to yourself! You cant be serious about having him here! Thor set his hammer down and looked at her. I trust him Jane! He is my brother. You trust him?! Jane screamed. Her voice bounced off the walls. Loki, Darcy and Eric all went quiet. Hes a murderer and a liar! Jane, he is my- No! He is a monster Thor! And you trusting him makes you one too! She screamed. Loki glanced between Thor and Jane. Lady Foster, Thors trust just means he is of good heart. In his eyes, I am his brother. And I am trust worthy. Jane walked over to him. You want me to trust you?! After landing in Germany, ripping someones eye out, standing above a crowed of kneeling Germans telling them how thats the meaning of our lives?! You want me to trust you after you killed eighty people and brought an alien invasion that destroyed the center of New York! Youre a monster and you deserve trust from no one! Loki raised an eye brow. I never asked you to trust me Miss Foster. It is your choice to trust me, and I would never force it on to you, neither will Thor. I am only here today because Odin, he hissed the name, does not trust me in the kingdom alone. Much to be not trusted for too. Jane glared at him. And then to just stand there as if it was all just a scene from a movie and you can just skip over it and act like it never actually happened! I am not pretending it didnt happen. Were just moving on Jane. It is needed. Loki managed. I made my share of mistakes. Im sure you have too Miss Foster. Jane did the only thing she could and swung at Lokis face. Her hand went straight through his face as if he was a hallow-gram. She stumbled back and slammed into Thor. H-how did he do that?! Thor looked around quickly as the image of Loki faded. Brother! Where are you?! Im still here. Relax Thor. And for the love of God, do not call me Brother. He growled, stepping out from behind Eric and Darcy. Jane, we will not argue. Go ahead Thor, tell her why were here. Maybe well see her views change quickly. He was starting to sound like his old self... Anger in his words and no trust for anyone in the room. After all, who would pass up on the adventure of a life time? Jane looked like she was in shock. What are you talking about? When I was here I promised you an adventure. This is me, offering you one Jane. I wouldnt say no. Thor said with a charming smile. I-Im going back to Asgard? She asked. Loki nodded. And on a good day well go to Jotunheim. Thats that then! Back to Asgard we go! Loki, if you dont mind. Thor chirped. Loki looked over at Darcy and saw a look he recognized all too well. She felt betrayed, not only that Jane was going, but also that Thor hadnt invited her to go along. They were all friends when they were on Earth, so why was he forgetting her? Arent you going to invite Darcy? Loki asked suddenly. Why only offer this adventure to one person who helped you? Loki, what are you doing? Thor demanded. Loki made a rash decision. Darcy, come back to Asgard with me. He said. Darcy, Jane, Thor and Eric all yelled, What?! at the same time. Loki wasnt even phased. Jane is Thors plus one. Darcy, Id like you to be mine. Eric put his hand on her shoulder. I cant make you stay but Darcy, I would not trust this man. Loki looked at her. Darcy. I promise, I give you my word that no matter what happens, you will be returned to Earth safely. Even if the rest of us are doomed to death, I will return you to Midgard. Darcy smiled brighter than ever. Offer accepted! She yelped. Loki smiled warmly. Off we go then. He said. He turned to face Eric. And Sir Selvig, I will have them back soon. Do not worry. He took Darcys hand in his, placed his free hand on Thors shoulder, who was holding Jane in his arm. The ground of the old building in New Mexico shimmered and turned into the golden floor of the gathering place in Asgard. Sif looked up from her hands and gasped. Youve returned? She asked softly. Thor didnt respond. Sif, take Jane and Darcy to the guest room. Loki and I need to have a chat. Loki swallowed hard and moved to the steps quickly, but Thor stopped him in his tracks. Have you lost your mind Loki? Thor barked. Loki looked at him. No, only doing what is right. It was completely unfair that you did not invite Darcy to come along. I did not invite her because she will not be useful to us! Loki raised an eye brow. Oh? Did I just heard you say youre using Jane? Thor grit his teeth and grabbed Lokis shoulder tightly. Do not twist my words Loki! Im not, Im only stating what I heard. Thor, you must trust me. I would not bring Darcy along if I did not see good reason in it. Okay? Now if you dont mind Id like to go to bed. It has been a very long day Thor. He pushed the god of thunders hand off his shoulder and walked down the hall way silently, think carefully about where his loyalties lied. Loki, you listening to me? Darcy asked. He gasped loudly and jumped back into the wall. He was breathing roughly, shaking from head to toe. Darcy, what day is it? She looked at him carefully. Exactly three months since you brought me to Asgard. What happened? Flash back... Darcy looked at him. To when? The day we met... Darcy set her iPod in the table next to him bed. Are you alright? Loki nodded slowly. It was just so real... You need me to get you some water? He nodded slowly. If you dont mind. Darcy got up and walked out of the room without another word. Outside she ran into Sif. Hey Sif... Whats up? Sif looked at her. Watching over you incase Loki decided to pull something funny. Darcy sighed and walked down the hall into her room. Will you stop that? She barked. I trust him! Sif glared. How can you trust him after the stunt he pulled when Jane went missing? Im sure he has something to do with that poor girls disappearance! Darcy grabbed a bottle of unopened water from her bag and spun on her. Just because he doesnt give his loyalty doesnt mean hes instantly evil, Sif! He is picking his sides! That is it! Do not prejudge him! Sifs eyes grew angry. I am not prejudging! I am saying what will happen based off his past choices! Darcy suddenly yelled. Lady Sif knows all, right?! She couldnt possibly be wrong about a man she pretended to be friends with all because she was in love with his big brother! Not that it matters because he is in love with Jane! Sif moved down the hallway after her. Darcy, this is not about love! But it is! You want Loki to be part of Janes disappearance because it would break Thors heart so badly hed come running back to you! Will you listen to yourself?! You sound like Loki for christs sake! He didnt try to help me and the warriors when those dark elves were attacking us! Why?! Darcy stormed into Lokis room and was about to raise her voice when she was glad she didnt. Loki was curled up on his bed, sleeping soundly. She set the bottle of water on the table, grabbed her iPod and walked to her room completely ignoring Sif. Loki lay sleeping, but it was not soundly. He hugged his pillow tightly, dreaming of the day Sif was talking about. He was sitting in the gathering room with Jane and Darcy, waiting for Thor. When will he be here? Jane asked in a testy tone. Not much longer, he is only training with lady Sif. Loki said plainly. He was looking over his dagger, silently wondering why she cared so much. Why does he have to train so often? Jane asked. Darcy was drawing in an app on her iPod. So that he can protect idiots like you because you cant fight. Loki stood up quickly. Now now, how about we dont do this again? It had been a month exactly since they had brought Jane and Darcy back to Asgard. The only super exciting things that had happened since were huge arguments the girls had gotten into and a trip to Jotunheim. The month had been full of carful planning put together mostly by Loki and Darcy, being supervised by Thor, of course. Today was the last normal day theyd be having before the two friends was put into action. Were going back to Earth today to visit Eric, right? Jane asked. Loki looked at her with curiosity in his eyes. Why? Are you beginning to miss your precious Midgard? Jane nodded. Its comforting to be there. I miss it a lot. Loki chuckled. The second you return youll miss Asgard. Jane sighed. I know... Darcy looked up. Wait, Jane, youre not thinking about not coming back are you? Jane sighed, her brown hair brushed behind her ears. I dont know... This has been one of the best months of my life, but I miss my research and my equipment, my bed room and Eric. Loki nodded. Sentiment is one of the least helpful emotions, Miss Foster. Youve grown attached to both here and Earth, and youll be miserable until you settle for one. He said honestly. Well arent you just a ray of sunshine Loki? Thor said while walking in. What are you all talking about? Loki chuckled. My choice to bring Darcy back to Asgard. She has to pick today, here or Midgard. So, when are we leaving? He saw Jane and Darcy glance nervously at one another. Thor sat on the edge of a couch. As soon as Lady Sif and the Warriors Three get here. He said. Loki nodded. Ill be back in a moment, I need to get a dagger from my room. I only have one with me. And he walked out. He walked into his room and went to shut the door, but Jane stopped it. Wait, Loki, I have something for you. Its kind of a thank you gift. I brought it back for Thor but theyre too small. Seriously Loki, I know weve had our differences and I still dont forgive you for New York, but thank you for taking care of me when Thor isnt around. I know you dont really care about Darcy and me. She kissed him on the cheek and handed him a small bag. See you in the gathering room soon. She pulled his door closed. Loki opened the bag skeptically and pulled out jeans and a black tee shirt. Thanks Jane... He whispered to himself. He set the clothes on his bed and grabbed his dagger from his bedside stand and walked out, not seeing the man in all black in the corner. He walked into the gathering room. Sorry, had to find it. He said, sliding the dagger is his sleeve and turning his wrists. Ready everyone? He asked. Everyone was looking at him. Of course we are. Darcy said. Loki placed his hand on her shoulder. He closed his eyes and concentrated, in about a minute the floor turned into the sidewalk of New Mexico. He let go of Darcy and blinked hard, grabbing on to the side of a building. Can we not bring the whole of Asgard next time?! He said through gritted teeth. It was only six people Loki. Thor said. He shot the god of thunder a dirty look. Its difficult enough with one! He snapped. Standing up straight, he grabbed his stomach and looked at everyone. You all are fine, right? Everyone nodded slowly. He was about to turn and walk to the familiar building he met Jane in, when he saw a small man dressed in all black across the street. Go inside. All of you. He said, suddenly very serious. Ill meet you there. He said, sounding like he hadnt a care in the world. They all walked inside while Loki walked across the street to this mystery man. He was a shorter fellow with all black robes on, long messy hair blacker than Lokis and eyes so black it was inhuman. The tips of his ears were pointed. Loki Laufeyson. Why are you here today? Loki raised an eyebrow at the man. You act as though we havent talked about this Sir. Thor and I were bring our friends back to visit someone close to them. Remember, you agreed that if I allowed you to attack Earth without our interference you wouldnt hurt them. The small man simply smiled coldly. I remember no such discussion. Lokis stomach dropped as he realized his mistake. No! Sif watched Loki across the street in silence. Why was he talking to a man with pointed ears? Why DID he have pointed ears? Oh no.... She whispered to herself. Darcy walked over to her. What? Nothing... I just thought I forgot something.... She said with a smile. Darcy just stared at her like she had seven eyes. Sif, you are a gifted fighter but a horrible liar. Why dont we talk to- Darcy looked past her and directly at Loki. Whyd you say oh no? Because Lokis talking to someone? He has a right to do that. She said, tucking her iPod into her pocket. But look closely at the man hes talking to. He has unnatural darkness to him, and his ears... Pointed? Maybe hes just a cosplay freak. No Darcy, that is a dark elf... He is talking to our enemy... Darcy looked at her. Well hes obviously trying to kill us. She said sarcastically. A loud explosion shook the building. A pane of glass shattered. Darcy looked out the window and saw a wave of black hit Loki in the chest, and the god of mischief fell to the ground. Loki! She screamed. With out thinking twice about it she ran outside. Darcy! Get back here! Sif screamed. Darcy didnt hear a word she said. Her friend, her best friend, was laying on the ground while the dark elf that hurt him disappeared. Loki! Can you hear me?! She practically yelled, kneeling next to him quickly. Loki wasnt moving . His eyes were open wide but held no feeling, no life. Loki! Darcy screamed, shaking him. Get up! He took a very sharp breath in and began hacking. He hadnt realized it but he was holding her hand tightly. Loki, are you okay?! She asked in a shaking voice. He continued to cough while he climbed to his feet. D-Darcy, we h-have to go! He sputtered. He pulled her out of the alley and down the street, away from where everyone else was. Loki youre going the wrong way! Darcy yelled, running as fast as she could to keep up. Loki turned quickly down a different ally that had blindingly bright lights at the end. I am not. Im taking you somewhere that youll be safe. He stopped suddenly and pushed her to the ground. Stay here and stay quiet Darcy. These elves hate bright light so you should be safe here. He grabbed a dagger from his boot and handed it to her. If anyone comes near you with harmful intent stab them in the face. Do you understand? Darcy nodded slowly. But where are you going? Loki took a shaky breath. To get Thor out of here safely. Ill be back for you in no time at all Darcy. He stood up straight and ran to the building Thor was in. Darcy was no fool, and she refused to stay back and watch. She climbed to her feet and ran after him, carful to make no noise. Loki ran into the middle of the street looking around hopelessly. Everywhere he looked he saw darkness, elves everywhere were attacking innocent people. How could he have been so stupid? Of course Divok would be interested in using Loki! But he didnt have time to worry about it... He moved quickly and passed all three warriors who were handling in themselves quite nicely. Then he saw Lady Sif... She was being over powered by elves and her only chance for help was Loki. His heart went cold... He didnt trust her, he didnt like her. He knew without a doubt that he hated her! She looked at him with plead in her eyes, knowing this was her only chance. Lokis nose twitched in disgust. This person had always treated him like trash, and now she wanted his help? Hed help her see what she was worth. He turned his back to her and walked away, feeling 110 percent content with his choice. Darcy watch in horror, unable to understand what had happened at first. But she wasted no time. As much as Sif made her crazy thy were friends. She ran over and began to help, fighting like she had been doing so all her life. Loki ran inside Janes building, only to find Thor kicking Dark elves like they were rag dolls. Jane and Eric were in the corner, watching in horror and amazement. Thor! We have to go! We cannot just leave these innocent pe- Loki nearly screamed at him. If we leave they will too! They tricked me! Theyre after us! Theyre trying to disable us! Thor continued to fight, but Loki knew he would be bothered by his almost confession. Jane suddenly screamed. Loki spun around to see the Dark Elf he had been dealing with standing behind her. Dovik... Loki said slowly, being sure not to set him off near Jane or Eric. You want to tell your oaf of a brother about us? Fine, but youll lose something precious for it. He said softly, in an almost angelic voice. Loki stepped back quickly, completely afraid if this man. He knew he had nothing to worry about, he had just come back from being dead for a solid minute, but Dovik still worried him. The elf grabbed Janes arm, she instantly fainted, and disappeared in darkness. Thor and Eric screamed and Loki fell to the ground, suddenly unable to support his own weight. The adrenaline was wearing off fast, and Loki was now just beginning to understand how weak he was feeling. The Warrior Three ran in, followed closely by Darcy and Lady Sif. Thor ran over to Loki and pulled him to his feet suddenly. Where is she?! Loki couldnt see straight. Thor, I swear I dont know. I had no clue any of this was going to h-happen. Are you okay? Thor asked. The anger in his voice melted instantly. Darcy ran over and tucked the dagger back into his boot. Of course he isnt! While you were busy with Jane he was being attacked by Dovik! She hissed, pulling Lokis arm over her shoulder and moving away from Thor. Loki nodded, completely out of it. Sounds about right. Will you be able to get us back to Asgard? Sif asked with anger in her tone. Loki had his eyes closed and his head on Darcys shoulder. Yes but we h-have to go n-now. Thor put his hand on Lokis shoulder, but he didnt move. Sif and the warriors three all linked up off Darcy. The floor around them shimmered, much slower than before. Within three minutes they were standing in the gathering room in the palace on Asgard. Everyone expect Loki. He had collapsed into Darcys arm, literally colder than ice. Thor took a shaky breath, slowly wrapping his head around everything. To bed, everyone. Well talk here when Loki is well again. Darcy, you follow me. Darcy did as she was told, following Thor closely in he halls. He stomach did a kind of summersault when she looked down and saw Lokis skin turning blue. Th-Thor.... Why is it doing that? Thor sighed as he walked into Lokis room. He is adopted. When he get weak, really weak he cant keep up his Asgardian look any longer, he reverts back to the look of a Frost Giant, a very tiny Frost Giant. He patted Lokis bed. Here, set him down. I need you to look after him until he wakes up, okay? Darcy nodded. No problem, but Thor, I need you to know. Loki does love you, and everything that happened today? He had no idea it would happen. I can promise you that for him since he is unable to right now. Thor nodded. I know Darcy. He is still very angry and bitter towards the nine realms, but he has forgiven me, and he has grown to care about you. He would never put you or me in harms way, and removing Jane from the picture hurts us both. He did not want this anymore than us. Darcy nodded silently. Ill see you at breakfast Thor. She sat on Lokis need next to him and pulled out her iPod. Thor walked it if the room and closed the door quietly. It wasnt until two weeks later my mom Loki woke and was able to a thallus function, it took another week to get him back to full health. Nearly a month Jane had been missing, and the only person who any answers was not functioning, even more than usual. Loki jolted awake. He stood up quickly and moved to the window. Dark outside... It was night time... But what day? Still the same day Loki. Darcy said from the door. Are you feeling okay? Youve been pretty out of it today. He turned to look at her. Ive just had a lot of flash backs today. He said calmly. Why are you here? Its late. Darcy shrugged. Jane and I always stayed up late talking, and shes not here. Loki frowned rubbed his eyes. Im so sorry Darcy... I was so stupid to listen to Dovik and Dava. Darcy smiled. Its okay Loki. I would have done the same thing. You were just trying to protect us. Are you ready to keep looking for Jane to tomorrow? Loki nodded. Of course. But you miss Darcy need to go to bed. Its after three a.m. Darcy laughed quietly and nodded. See you in a few hours. And the two went to bed. The next day Loki and Thor went off to Earth to continue looking fir Thors friend. The two may not have been brothers by blood, but they were family, no questions asked. At this poor in their journey they had lost everything but each other. Loki started off with nothin more than the freedom from punishment for attacking Earth, where they were currently searching for Jane Foster. Deep down, Loki knew it was a lost cause, it wasnt possible that theyd find her before it was too late, but he found it easiest to tell Thor this lie... He had watched everything Thor had earned slowly sink away. He got no help tom his Avengers, they werent built for this type of long term enemy. He had brought Jane along, the big oaf that he is, thinking hed be able to protect her. That was clearly going well... He had to work with the word situations hes been in, and he took each step by Loki not knowing if hes end up betrayed. The two gods had one thing in common: the loss of their mother Frigga. To Thor it was his mother, but to Loki it was a lot more than that. He had disposed if the monster who happened to be his blood father Laufey, but he still had to live everyday knowing that Odin got to live like royalty when he was worth less than the poorest slave. Frigga was the only one who treated Loki like she cared, the only one who understood all his actions and motives, and now she was gone... Loki? Are you listening? Thors voice slammed Loki back into bitter reality. He blink hard, realizing his cheeks were damp. Are you alright? The cold air began to dry his face. Im fine, the air is jus so...bitter. This wasnt a total lie. Are you certain, because you seem to b- Thor, I said Im fine! He snapped. What are we doing now? We keep looking of course. Were you even listening to me Loki? Of course I was. Prove it, what was I talking about? Loki heaved a sigh, Okay, youve caught me. Try starting again. How do you not hear me when I talk? Im a foot away from you and were the only things within a mile to noise! Loki spun on the god of thunder, his eyes more dangerous than Thor had even seen. You listen here Thor, you brought me from my jail, my finally happy place and threw me back into something none if us were prepared for, especially me! And if that isnt enough you pulled me back down to the one place I should never go, and for good reasons too! I tried to destroy it, so it clearly makes sense to bring me here, where all the thoughts I dont want start popping up again! My mind is a dangerous place and it is going wander while were here! You have to deal with it! Brother, I nev- I told you never to call me that! Loki hissed. Its all still too jumbled to deal with. I promise its nothing personal, not anymore. Now what were you saying about Jane? The mention of her name did its job. I was just thinking, what if we do not find her? Lokis eyes met Thors and he was suddenly hit with emotion. Ive told you already, we only have so much looking left, we will find her. Before Thor could speak they heard something move in he snow. Loki had this gut feeling when he and Thor had left Asgard this morning that it was going to be a bad day. So far, he had walked across, Antarctica?, some where very cold on Midgard. You did hear that, right? Yes. Please tell me you have your hammer... Loki said softly. He saw Thor nod and raise his arm next to him. Im almost positive that there are Frost-giants here… They arent supposed to be on Earth! Thor almost yelled. And in all fairness, neither are we. Why are they here?! Mjolnir slammed into his hand. Answer me honestly Loki! This had to be his least favorite part about being evil. For some reason Thor and Odin think he has all the answers for why a villain does something. But he did have an answer this time... You remember when we found out I wasnt Odins? I went and teamed up with the Chitari to attack Earth because I knew it would hurt you? How could I forget? Very good. This is the same situation. While you were banished on Earth I...killed Laufey. The dark elves must be using that to their advantage! But Asgard is at peace with Jotunheim, why- Loki sighed. Because hurting you would disable me, and Im one of the only chances we have left to stop the elves. A small smirk spread on his face. With out a moment to waste a small dagger slid from his sleeve into his hand, he spun around and clipped a Frost-giant in the throat. Five more moved out from hiding and began to close in on Loki. Thor, move! ~Maril
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:27:42 +0000

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