Everything I want to do is illegal. Everything I want to do is - TopicsExpress


Everything I want to do is illegal. Everything I want to do is illegal. My spirituality, my home choice, my diet choice, even how I wish to die. I am living in a foreign world in which everything that feels oh so right to me is explained as not just wrong, but criminal. I wish to explore the land, but all of it is quadranted into little private boxes. Fences and rules fill the landscapes of the truly free earth. I cannot wander, I cannot follow my shamanic callings where they whim me. I must preplan and research regulations wherever I may go. I cannot simply be with my animal companions. The government says what is ok and not as far as living with a turtle or lizard or even the legality of a simple duck. I cannot forage for food the way my heart tells me. Who owns what, pollution everywhere, and rules as to if I may eat this nut or that mushroom regulate that too. I cannot simply live tiny on wheels in an rv, as I have to watch zoning laws and regulations again. We were never born free. I cannot die free either. I wish to be laid where I can be eaten by wildlife. Not so says this country. Be in a box or a fire only! I am at an impass with my spirituality. Everything I want to do is illegal, and that pulls me out of the visions and messages that spirit wants to give me. It is a troublesome wall to deal with
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:04:26 +0000

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