Everything about Nature - its biology, chemistry and design - TopicsExpress


Everything about Nature - its biology, chemistry and design written in the abstract language of numbers and equations - I am drawn to with child-like amazement: this tiny planet abuzz with so much inter-kingdom communication - in the soil, the sea, in all plant life, in every insect, in the sky above, and especially in brainy creatures like pigs and birds, dogs and humans; the non-locality inherent in the quantumy fabric of all that is. Everything is so deeply interconnected its mind-blowing when you not just realize it, but really comprehend it. Yet until we begin to think planetary - Mother Earth as a super-organism - we are doomed to continue seeing Nature as some twisted, religious sinful creation - defaulting to our physical animalistic nature over our true Mindful nature, fighting over a piece of dirt ... living in the illusion of a Dark Ages duality. God doesnt want me on my knees in fearful worship and servitude. God wants me to co-create, to play and dream, to know the creation (Nature) - to realize that the physical is dualistic, but in our God-like Minds, its just an illusion; a hologram of sorts. And thats when you begin to think planetary. Cosmos-like. Those savage, primitive Native Americans had it right all along without even knowing the math and science behind it all like we do. Gaia, our Mother Earth, figuratively as a planet (giver of life) and cosmically scientific (as a terrestrial egg in a cosmic womb) is the right paradigm: that these Universes are basically giant cosmic wombs of Life. Religions got it all wrong. Gods a chick - like some Frankenstein Mother Teresa and Mommy Dearest all at once, creator and destroyer, alpha and omega ... you see that in everything made manifest, real and visible in whats factually 99.999999% invisible space teeming with invisible energy. What we erroneously call empty. Ah, yes, the illusion of nothingness. But when it comes to the very fabric of Universes - the subatomic quantumy conceptions -you cant physically know (consciously observe) the exact position of these fundamental particles and where their trajectories are at the same time. Only one or the other. Everything exists in the infinity of paradox - including the Mind of God. Everything has nothing to do with the holographic physical and everything to do with eternal paradoxical Mindshit. We call the Paradox goodness and sin, heavenly father and hellish devil, creation and destruction, yin and yang, day and night, life and death... All the clues are given in Nature, both instinctively (Buddhism, Native American theology) and scientifically (quantum and classical physics, biology, chemistry, math). Paradox/duality again - all from a noodly brain that is itself the physically hemispherical epitome of an infinite conscious Mindful Paradox. Forget your lighting bolts and superstitious fears and obligatory worship. Stand up. Get off your knees and stop praising in fear like cosmically homeless child of God. Its time we claim our rightful place in this cosmos and on this planet. Otherwise we are just another extinction in a long line of other extinct creations before us. We transcend these Dark Ages when we begin to think planetary; when we begin to truly look up at the sky - not at a mysterious, invisible father but a knowable, visible Cosmic scientist/comedian mother. Her handwriting is all over it.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:55:40 +0000

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