Everything begins and ends with ones mind... Be it creation, - TopicsExpress


Everything begins and ends with ones mind... Be it creation, illusion, liberation, whatever... The first thing and the last thing any seeker ought to understand is that the mind is synonymous with dissatisfaction... A contented mind is an oxymoron... If someone is contented, then he or she has reached an energy level higher than the mind... Just studying oneself and people, one can easily see this truism... To paraphrase a great ad line, yeh mind maange more... Nothing will satisfy... Folks travel to some holiday destination; then the mind wants to travel more... Folks get into physical, intellectual and emotional relationships; then the mind wants to have more of this so-called fun... Feed the mind anything, and it wants more of the same... So, how does one get out of this mind-trap?... Through simple understanding... By using ones higher energy levels... Especially if one is in ones 40s or 50s... Youths still live in the hope that many things of this world will make them happy - they can be excused; they havent yet gathered the requisite empirical knowledge that happiness is not a worldly but an other-worldly entity... The happiness that worldly things give is false happiness... This latter is of the 5 senses and the mind... These total 6 senses falsify our very existence... This is not rocket science... Everything that we do or dont do is to try and satisfy these 6 senses... And these 6 senses can never be satisfied... So, heres what we can do, in a step-wise manner... If we try to understand the following truisms, we can easily reach the zone of real happiness, coz every soul is only seeking happiness, but the mind seeks it in the wrong direction, and thus misleads and misguides us... a) Happiness and divine are synonyms... Happiness and world are antonyms... b) Happiness is not at all a state of mind - it is a state of soul-consciousness... c) Those who say there is no soul, there is no divine, this world is all there is to existence do not know much - you cannot convince a bird about the existence of supercomputers; so you just avoid such people, and gravitate towards those who can help you realise the happiness of soul-consciousness... d) Even love is a mind-thing, not a heart-thing... Love is a decision, not a happening... e) We can channelise this aforementioned decision; and decide to only love the divine, and nobody else... The paradox is that if we love the divine, we would love others, too, coz the divine is the root, the source of all, and if the roots of a tree are watered then such water also reaches every point in the tree; otherwise, if we choose to love only one, then we become very compartmentalised, very rigid, very localised, and thus miss universal love... f) If we decide to taste real happiness then nobody can stop us, coz the soul simply cant be stopped - only the body can be stopped... g) Interact with the right sign-posts in existence - it is only out of emotional weakness that folks get stuck with the wrong sign-posts... h) Nobody can make you happy but yourself... If someones makes you happy, then you are their slave - you are not yet the master of your happiness... i) The i has an eternal relationship only with the divine I - all other relationships of this world are absolutely fake and false coz they are mere mind-stuff happening between one worldly i and another worldly i... The i can only find happiness with the divine I, not with any worldly i... j) Continue maintaining status quo - nothing will happen by changing ones latitude and longitude... What needs to be changed is the direction of ones mind-energy: from the world to the divine... k) The mind has ruled us enough - it is high time we ruled our own mind... The mind cannot afford to invest in real happiness coz that is not its area of interest... The mind lives through the false... So, one has to use ones intellect and intelligence to triumph over ones own mind... l) All the aforementioned are kindergarten steps... Even if one is able to take all the former steps, one should not feel that one has touched the ultimate... There is much much more to existence and the divine, coz they are both eternal... And if something is eternal, then it will always be many steps ahead of one... We cannot touch the ultimate - but the ultimate can touch us... If that happens, be full of gratitude coz none of us deserved it to begin with... All the very best... Enjoy a Thinking-about-higher-things Tuesday... :))
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 05:33:09 +0000

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