Everything changes. That sums up life after resurrection. Of - TopicsExpress


Everything changes. That sums up life after resurrection. Of course, everything does not change all at once. The undeniable truth about Jesus Christ is that He will have you all or nothing at all. That means opening yourself up to Him opens yourself up for total dominance. His influence is completely pervasive via the power of the Helper. If you are watching ONCE UPON A TIME this week, youll know that the people of Storybrooke have just been cursed with something called Shattered Sight, well, once one is immersed into the Kingdom, the King begins to give something quite the opposite. It is in fact a restoration of sight. He gives us eyes to see things for how they actually are. A man is no longer some guy sitting across from you in the room. That man is the image of God, a fallen, broken masterpiece of brilliant artistry. A woman is a daughter of God: beloved, created for love and honor, never to be used for public spectacle or selfish satisfaction. A tree is a thing given by God for life, shade and beauty. The beasts of the field are fellow inhabitants of this good earth, given to us for companionship and fear. They should never be mistreated and always cared for with respect. So, as sight is restored, so shall our actions be. Once you recognize a thing for what it is how can you go on treating it in old ways. An old painting in the attic may sit dusty and forsaken for years; yet, if it is discovered to be a Rembrandt, then it cannot for any longer sit unrecognized. The more sight that is restored, the higher our actions towards one another and all of Gods creation must be. We must recognize each other for what we are and treat each other as such. That means primarily loving one another, in both the natural and hard ways. The natural ways are those obvious: compassion, service, support, etc. The hard ways are the ways that do not seem as love, yet they are. If I am acting in some fashion that does not fit my role as a beloved creation, made to bring glory to God, it is the responsibility of my fellow travelers in life to call me to repentance. There is no love in watching a man drive off a cliff for fear of hurting his feelings. It is also love to acknowledge that all people in all times are on a different place in their journey. To press ones convictions on another is disrespectful and ignorant. It is our duty to love and preach truth, not convict. It is too easy to slip into fear-mongering whilst playing upon peoples convictions. That is a quick step into pride from there. As with all of life, these things are complicated. That is why in the end, personally, I leave it in Gods hands. I pray that His will be done, seek to act according to His leading, then let it be what it will be from there.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 12:05:41 +0000

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