Everything in my life is finally falling into place, and I couldnt - TopicsExpress


Everything in my life is finally falling into place, and I couldnt be happier or more grateful. I have been thru more than my fair share of ordeals the last few years, dealing with one tumultuous event after another, and being knocked down time after time after time, to the point where sometimes all I wanted to do was just throw my hands in the air, and just give up because I was so exhausted and completely disheartened. But I didnt. God knows I wanted to, but somehow I just made myself put one foot in front of the other. I didnt see any reason to at times, but I knew that I didnt have any choice, and I wasnt going to get anywhere by just resigning myself to a lifetime of self-imposed misery. Even though I had been thru a lot of hard times I knew that I had the choice to either let those things define me and dictate my life and let the past be my excuses for not living up to my potential in the present, or I could choose to take that pain and those lessons and weave it into my life in a positive way and as a tool, extracting the good, which is the wisdom and knowledge you gain from painful experiences and mistakes, and tossing the bad, which is the guilt, the anger, the sadness and the sense of failure. For anyone out there reading this who is going thru an extremely hard and trying time in your life where you feel devoid of hope, like things are never going to get better, or like you have lost your zest for life, if you just hang in there and keep the faith, things WILL get better. In the midst of a crisis, it is easy to fall prey to short sightedness, where in the fog of your misery, you cant see past anything but the pain of the present, and cant even fathom the possibility of any rainbows or anything better in the the future. It becomes very easy to fall into the mindset of thinking that things will always be the same, and that there is nothing that you can do to improve things, and become resigned to the fact that this is just how life will always be, and so you may as well just accept it. I implore you to challenge that thinking and NOT to accept it. Show life that you arent going to give up that easy and that you arent going to go down without a hell of a fight. Fight back always, and when you are wore out, take a break and some time to recover and then stand right back up again and fight some more. Rinse and repeat. And repeat again. And again. Eventually you will be so strong that you will be able to roll with the punches, and you will have faith that you can take whatever life throws at you. You will learn to duck and weave instead of falling down. There are always going to be challenges to overcome. Theres no getting around that. The biggest challenge resides within you, though, and that is how you DEAL with those challenges. Dont give up on yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of your own way, and let your spirit take over as captain. While the storms of life are tossing you around, the waves crashing against you, threatening to knock you down, throw you overboard, or capsize your ship, hold on tight, knowing that while the body can be capsized, the spirit can not. It is stronger than any force of nature. It will carry you and hold you up when your own body will not. It does not know the meaning of failure or giving up, so let it guide you, knowing that this too shall pass. You will eventually find that rainbow, and the harder the struggle and the greater the storm, the more glorious and beautiful it will be when you do.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:40:29 +0000

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