Everything in this is so true. It could not be more accurate. It - TopicsExpress


Everything in this is so true. It could not be more accurate. It was written by a cast member who knows this struggle. They forget to inform you about the long hours, the crappy pay, and the obnoxious guests. They fail to mention your costume won’t breathe and you’ll always be uncomfortable because your pants never fit. They don’t tell you missing the holidays at home kills you inside. They don’t tell you that strollers are your worst enemy. They don’t tell you your twin bed probably isn’t long enough for you to fit on. They don’t tell you not take the bus, if you can help it. They don’t tell you that you will have the absolute best time you could ever imagine. They don’t tell you that the MOMENT you leave, all you’ll want to do is go back And that you book your next trip almost immediately. They don’t tell you the horrible depression you will endure when you can’t go to Magic Kingdom whenever you want. They don’t tell you that you’ll regret not riding your favorite ride One Last Time. They don’t tell you Celebrate The Magic isn’t as good on YouTube, but it’ll do. They don’t tell you you’ll start to tear up whenever you see a Disney commercial/poster/friend’s vacation, without fail, every time. They don’t tell you everyone from home starts to get sick of how much you will talk about it and how many useless (BUT VALUEABLE) facts you now share. They don’t tell you that you meet the most spectacular people. They don’t tell you that people you got the courage to talk to that first week never leave your side, in the absolute best way possible. They don’t tell you your best friends/soul mates have been waiting for you at Disney all along. They don’t tell you when you first get back your answer to, “What’s the best part?!” will be, “Getting in for free!” and then you will start to realize the best part was the relationships you built. They don’t tell you that the greatest times are when you’re sitting in housing doing absolutely nothing with a group of awesome people. They don’t tell you you’ll find any and every possible way to talk/see/keep in contact with these people. They don’t tell you how many times you’ll Face Time or the amount of Snapchats and texts you will send, just so your friends won’t forget you exist. They don’t tell you that you will find people who could potentially be at/in your wedding. They don’t tell you that you’ll miss these people with all your heart and would give the world just to hug them again. They don’t tell you you’ll travel to new places because you’ll miss them so dang much and you’ll want to keep making memories. They don’t tell you that you become a creepy stalker when your friends from home leave to work at Disney. They don’t tell you that you will want to know Every. Single. Detail. about their roommates, Traditions, work place, coworkers, time off, ride experiences, hidden Mickey findings, character interactions, Dole Whip eating, parade watching, and WHO WAS THEIR SKIPPER?! They don’t tell you the amount of jealousy that flows through your veins when you hear about their positive guest interactions and how your heart will flutter because they are having a positive experience. They don’t tell you you’ll regret not going seasonal. They don’t tell you how you’ll miss the little things about where you worked, even if you despised parts of it. They don’t tell you cast members can be good crazy or legit crazy, but you’ll love working with them anyways. They don’t tell you your coworkers are the weirdest people, but you are also weird, and so your weird works really well together, and you’ll miss goofing off all the time. They don’t tell you your fellow cast members can help you through any situation and for that you are thankful. They don’t tell you that you will become a part of a dysfunctional family, but it’s going to be the best dang family compared to any other land/restaurant/shop/area/hotel… literally nothing is better than where you work. They don’t tell you that you’d give ANYTHING to go back for one day, even if it’s a 12 hour day that includes a Code V. They don’t tell you the backside of water isn’t the same when it’s coming from your faucet. They don’t tell you even though you’re supposed to be removed from your FB Shift Exchange group, you’re still going to be in it because it feels like you’re still there. They don’t tell you you’ll start to reconfigure your life plan and goals to maybe go back when you graduate college. They don’t tell you you’ll watch live feeds of the Magic Kingdom… Who does that!? They don’t tell you every time you look at pictures, you smile, knowing those times could not have gone any better. They don’t tell you valuable life lessons will be learned, which would not have been as impactful had they happened anywhere else. They don’t tell you the range of emotions you go through regarding every single moment. They don’t tell you months after you worked there, you will always feel like you left last week. They don’t tell you you’re always going to be attached. They don’t tell you you’d give anything to go back to those perfect 6 months. They don’t tell you…They don’t tell you Disney changes your life
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 02:30:31 +0000

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