Everything might have been different if Democrats and Republicans - TopicsExpress


Everything might have been different if Democrats and Republicans had operated in a spirit of compromise, the Framers’ hoped-for political solvent. But the political process is operating at compromise ... cap and trade was posited first by conservative policy makers who were against carbon tax emissions. Obamacare is structurally the same as Romenycare established in Massachusetts, and it was held up in the Senate for a year by Max Baucus to make palatable to the minority party lawmakers. Lastly, the economic stimulus was well below the required $1.2 trillion necessary to establish full-employment (Obama proposed an initial $800 billion), and Republican concessions turned stimulatory spending into non-stimulatory tax cuts, making an extremely weak $700 billion endeavor. If anything, Washington is nothing but (slow) compromise lately, and the concessions being made are nearly worthless to the average citizen while giving slight advantage to the status quo. Welcome to democracy, where we can legitimize slavery but make social justice a cardinal sin.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 21:17:45 +0000

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