Everytime I come on my page, it says/or is written" What´s on - TopicsExpress


Everytime I come on my page, it says/or is written" What´s on your mind". A relative of mine, left me a message to contact my uncle in Port Simpson / Lax Kw Alaams, my birthplace and home land. I called and was informed that there is a leak in my new roof, which was fixed recently, guess what?? Someone shot a hole in the roof and it has leaked in and caused damage to the ceiling and floor, he has reported it to the RCMP, but nothing was or is being done, no report, typical, it is a NDN´s problem, let them solve it. I ask you in the village, do you have something against me, or my family, if so then request my presence and we can deal with this the Tsimshian way, are we not warriors, but remember, only one of us is going to go away standing/walking, you dare destroy something which my father worked so hard to leave for my family. For a long time now I let some things go, like the break + entry of the house, things taken without permission, why do you think I sold most of the belonging inside. Why do you let your children go and rip off the boards on the windows and then play inside, is this not private property? Many years ago I remember my father Edward Bryant, and how we ate much native foods + wild game, I always wondered why, I tell you: because people were so poor, they had no money or social help, so the only thing was to trade with game + fish for shoes, flour, sugar and other vital things, my father never said no. When he finally retired and gave up his store, I pack a large box down the beach filled with receipt books of credits, of the people who still owed him, he burned over 30,000 dollars in credit, he believed in the Creator and that all would be returned someday. He worked long + hard to organize and set up a church called the Salvation Army with the help of many other people who believe in the same cause, give to the poor, there was no pensions, welfare or family allowance. Why do I say this, because our people have lost a lot of respect, and forgotten the hard times. Please if you want to hurt me, then let me know privately or by phone, I am coming home in the fall or early winter and we can settle this in a human way. I try hard to share my culture here + still be in touch with our people + traditions, why do you go on hurting and being in conflict with each others. Others laugh at how we keep at each others thoats, and I for one am tired of just sitting back and letting things go like this. I am sure your grandparent would turn over in their grave if they knew what you are doing. If your man enough to admit you made a mistake, then let me know, it can be private + no one or police will know, I can forgive and forget, we are human and make mistakes, if not write or contact me for info to meet me. And no I will not go on a party and get jumped while enjoying myself, that is a immature way. I can stand up for my rights and I am not a OG/ gangster , but can hold my own. I pray the creator will find a way to resolve this, and I ask, that if anyone has information, please let me know, there is a reward for info leading to the conviction or evidence leading to the person/s who did this damage. Why do I say all of this, is because eventually I want to move back and live again with my people/family and pass on the traditions which my father gave me and to live in peace with all. I thank you all for your attention and if you have ANY comment or questions, PLEASE ask and I will do my best to reply back. May the creator bless each of us. All my relations Edward Earl Bryant P.S. I am not rich or greedy, just trying to live and enjoy what is left of my life, nothing else. Sa Aamth Waan ada Waii Wah!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:48:11 +0000

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