Everytime I remember my childhood days, my mum crosses my mind - TopicsExpress


Everytime I remember my childhood days, my mum crosses my mind 1000 times. Reason? Its her we spent most of our time with. I believe a mum has the ability to mould/shape her children into what she wants them to be. If youve read Ben Carsons books, then you can concur. A mum can instill behaviour/habits in her kids, sometimes without knowing it. So theres this one that my mum drove into me. The habit of reminding myself. You see, back then, there were few shops where we lived and most of the time the shops were miles away. Mum was fond of sending me many items at a go& if I got confuesed along the way&bought what I hadnt been sent, Id be in for it. So after receiving beatings whenever I bought the wrong thing, she came up with an idea. She told me that henceforth, when sent, I would sing the items on my way to the shop to avoid forgetting. She also warned me against getting distracted by other things/kids on my way to the shop. I began doing that&it worked. I would sing the items when sent; salt soap sugar, salt soap sugar, salt soap sugar... until I got to the shop. This way I never forgot what I was sent. Right now I have a dream I got to achieve. Its easy to loose focus/get distracted by people/things&forget it, but I keep remembering this dream and reminding myself that I can do it. Recently I wrote I CAN DO IT and stuck it at the right end of my mirror, so every morning as Im looking at myself in the mirror, I see the words&remember my dream. The four words ring in my mind all the time. Im sure if someone lays open my brain/heart, he will spot the 4words playing around inside there haha! I suspect sometimes they even get pumped from my head to my toe in my blood. When idle, I pick a pen and scribble I CAN DO IT on my notebook. Ive composed a haiku (3-line poem) entitled I CAN DO IT. Im going to teach my kid sister to recite it, so we can always recite it when Im home. Do you believe you can achieve yours? Do you have it in mind? Can you feel it? Hehe! Im not crazy, Im just thinking
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 09:38:31 +0000

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