Everytime, when a crisis or conflict happens in the Muslim world, - TopicsExpress


Everytime, when a crisis or conflict happens in the Muslim world, we become engrossed with it. We feel them. We post updates and urge others to do the same. We donate. We pray. We really care for them. Then it dies. Our life seems to be back to normal. No more cause for the Palestinians. Nor Syria. Nor Egypt. Nor whatsoever. Until a new conflict/crisis starts all over again. And the cycle continues and continues and continues. The enemies, they know that very well. Thats why they dont really give a damn about our boycott or our cries or our demos. They know sooner or later, it will die away anyway. Sigh. How do we change all these? How do we make sure, for example, the Palestinians will dont have to suffer again in the future? That the crisis we are seeing now will be the last for them..? It needs more than just our prayers. It needs more than just our attention or money. It needs more than just call for justice and freedom. It needs more than that. O Allah, show us the way. Guide us. Show us the right path, so that we help the ummah to get out of all these sufferings, once and for all. Amin.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 11:03:20 +0000

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