Evidence for a Global Flood and Results of Carbon-14 Dating by - TopicsExpress


Evidence for a Global Flood and Results of Carbon-14 Dating by Anthony Jan Yap This was originally posted by Anthony Jan Yap and I have reposted it here because this post does a great job providing evidence for a global flood as well as showing how Carbon-14 dating shows fossils to be thousands, not millions of years old. There are two parts. I am also including a link at the end regarding the C-14 dating of dinosaur fossils. Great post! MORE EVIDENCE FOR NOAHS FLOOD There are still many people who says that science cannot find evidence for Noahs flood. But since people are getting excited about the new Jurassic Park movie, allow me to show you guys some real science: At a conservative estimate, we had discovered the tomb of 10,000 dinosaurs ...there was a flood. This was no ordinary spring flood from one of the streams in the area but a catastrophic inundation. ...Thats our best explanation. It seems to make the most sense, and on the basis of it we believe that this was a living, breathing group of dinosaurs destroyed in one catastrophic moment. - John R. Jack Horner, Digging Dinosaurs, 1988, p.131. Jack Horner is a world class paleontologists and also the technical adviser of Jurassic Park movies. He is a secular paleontologist, meaning he doesnt even believe in the Bible yet as a scientist he doesnt need to read the Bible to know that there was a massive flood in the past. He can see it in the light of scientific evidences. Jack Horner is also a co-discoverer of the soft-tissues and blood inside the fossilized bones of a T-Rex. Today, soft-tissues and dinosaur DNA in fossils is becoming a common trend because scientists finally started checking the fossils after the first soft-tissue was found. I guess we dont need a mosquito trapped in an amber to clone dinosaurs after all. This is a very significant discovery that could change the way we see the world, even though the scientific community is trying to suppress this fact (they dont deny it, they just dont mention it so the information will not leak out faster). It is significant because it is an empirical evidence that dinosaurs are not millions of years old and they all lived in the same time period. This means we will have to rewrite our books and tarnish the credibility of many scientists. The fossil record that was shown to us (the Geologic Column, different eras) are not actually found in the way that it is presented in the books. They just made the whole thing up using circular reasoning. But thats a long different story so I will not discuss that in this thread. If you have questions feel free to ask. I would love to discuss why Jack said that a watery catastrophe is the best explanation for the dinosaur fossils. I would also love to discuss the significance of the dinosaur soft-tissue discovery and its scientific implications as well as the carbon dating results obtained from it. ..................................................................................................................... STILL MORE EVIDENCES FOR NOAHS FLOOD: THE CARBON DATING RESULTS The Bible claimed that the earth is just 6000 years old (if you add up the ages in the family tree or Genealogy from Adam, as recorded in the Bible). The flood happened somewhere around 4500 years ago (there were fewer humans back then). Therefore, if the fossils are the product of Noahs flood they should not be millions of years old and should have almost the same age with each other (separated by only a few hundred years) since they should live at almost the same time. And thats exactly what science has found. Before we proceed with the evidence, it is critical for you to have a basic knowledge of how Carbon Dating works so let me explain it in a very simple way first. [Skip this part if you already know how Carbon Dating works] Carbon Dating is a method that allows us to measure the age of ancient objects. Almost all you guys are familiar with Carbon Dating. You may have heard it in movies, especially in CSI or in the latest Transformers movie. But I am sure that only a small percentage of people knew how Carbon Dating really works (because even the Transformers movie got it all wrong). Carbon dating works by measuring the remaining amount of a radioactive element called Carbon-14 (different from the normal Carbon) and compare it with the fresh Carbon-14 that is currently present in our atmosphere. Carbon-14 is continually being replenished in our atmosphere and all living animals absorb it through breathing or eating. When an animal dies, it stops absorbing Carbon-14 so the fresh Carbon-14 in its body begins to decay (will totally disappear after 250,000 years based on calculations). Our current equipments cannot detect very low amounts of decaying Carbon-14. We can only detect Carbon-14 up to 90,000 years old. Now you know the basics so lets get to the juicy part. Since Carbon Dating only works with organic materials, we wont be able to use it on fossils (fossils are rocks). But that was until we discovered soft-tissues (meat) and blood and even DNA inside these fossils of dinosaurs and even in Cambrian animals. Now we can directly and scientifically measure the age of dinosaurs which has never been done before. But if this is the first time that we could directly measure the age of dinosaurs, am I saying that the millions of years old that we are taught are just assumptions? Yes indeed. Long story short, those numbers, those eras, those millions of years old are completely made up even before any radiometric method (using radioactive elements to measure the age) was invented. Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that proteins (meat) dont even last a million years. It will turn to dust due to molecular activity alone so you cant preserve it for millions of years no matter what you do (unless youre a wizard, or if you stop molecular movements) even if you encase it in amber (the amber in the Jurassic Park movie is also unscientific). How much more if you leave the rotting animal in the ground? This soft-tissues in dinosaur fossils prove that all these fossils and dinosaurs are not millions of years old. But the evidence didnt stop there. Carbon Dating was done on these soft-tissues despite the protest and hesitation of many evolutionists (they tried to suppress this fact, thats why it didnt became one of the biggest news). The Carbon Dating result for all those soft-tissues is around 50,000 years old only. All of them. Come to think of it, even the presence of Carbon-14 in these fossils is already a proof that they are not millions of years old (since Carbon-14 only has a detectable lifespan of 90,000 and they cannot penetrate rocks/fossils so fossils cant replenish their Carbon-14). It means these animals lived together at one time, not millions of years away from each other. But you may say that although this fact destroy evolutions millions of years assumption, 50,000 years is still far from the 4500 years that the Bible is saying. The explanation lies in the Bibles explanation. In the days before the flood, the Bible explained that the earth was very different. There was an icy shield above our atmosphere (more like the ice in the atmosphere today but perhaps it was higher so it is more frozen) that protects us from UV light which also makes the earth neither too hot nor too cold. You see, Carbon-14 is made when the UV light from the sun strikes the Nitrogen in our atmosphere and turns them into Carbon-14. And since water blocks significant amounts of UV light, that icy shield ensures that the earth in Noahs time has very little Carbon-14 so the resulting carbon date obtained from dinosaurs was exponentially increased to around 50,000 since we compared it to present atmospheric conditions. This icy shield will also somehow increase atmospheric pressure which will result in increased oxygen concentration in the atmosphere. Sometime after the flood, the ice shield disappeared (I think it fell on our north and south pole since ice is magnetic. We actually have evidence for this). We do have evidences that the atmosphere in dinosaur era or Pre-Flood era, is like how Bible describes it. Air bubbles trapped in amber that are found in dinosaur era contained 50% more oxygen. Another example is the size of animals in the past. Dinosaur-era dragonflies are up to 20 times lager than today. Insects must not grow that big today because they breathe through their skin and the skin-to-body ratio decreases as they increase their size, making it very difficult for that giant dragonflys skin to supply its entire body with enough oxygen. This also gives us a hint that people in pre-Flood did lived for many hundreds of years (Adam died at 900+ years old). As for the evidence of this ice shield falling in our poles? Mammoths, which are slightly modern animals, found in Siberia are frozen in standing position, with half-chewed tropical plants still in their mouth. Tropical animals are also found frozen with them. The food in their belly is not even rotted or digested yet. What does that tell you? A trigger-happy alien with freeze-gun? A wizard with powerful ice-spell? Or a sudden massive snowfall in the poles of earth (attracted by earths magnetic poles since ice is magnetic) that didnt even gave the animals a time to finish their meals? You wanna ask if Noah included dinosaurs in his ark? Yes he did, but this will be discussed separately. It will be an interesting and evidence-supported topic. dinosaurc14ages/carbondating.htm
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:21:42 +0000

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