Evolution is a process by which successful and suitable life forms - TopicsExpress


Evolution is a process by which successful and suitable life forms that have arisen from genetic changes over time are kept in the gene pool by natural selection. Stupid animals tend to die out relatively quickly in the wake of more intelligent ones. However humanity has a penchant for compassion, and as such we allow idiots to thrive. This was a mistake. It is highly ironic that the only beings who do not believe in evolution or natural selection would have been left to die in the wake of such natural forces if it were not for the compassion of their more intelligent counterparts in the human race. We have evolved to a point at which we can keep our fools and allow them to breed. We do not compete with them for food and so they do what they are born to do. They breed and breed and breed and eventually our town centers become writhing pits of limbs and fake tan. The idiots have taken over. The world has already begun its slow decline into stupidity. I shall now spend the rest of my existence trying to counter this resurgence of rejected DNA, this summoning of throwbacks from our evolutionary past. I will impose a strict regime of educate or annihilate on the masses. Vote Carter, president of the universe and that other thing attached to the side of the universe 2014
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:56:40 +0000

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