Evolutionist tell us our ancestors were simple,primitive,stone - TopicsExpress


Evolutionist tell us our ancestors were simple,primitive,stone agers;because evolution has to work its way up somehow while undergoing genetic meltdown. When fields of science allow the presupositions of the philosophy evolution to infect them we dont get the honest truth. Knowth Ireland Mounds During the huge span of time which has passed since the earliest dated phase of activity at Knowth, which has been placed by archaeologists at 4,000BC, the site has had varied uses, which include habitation, burial, and ceremony. What the archaeology has missed, though, is the fact that the people who constructed Knowth in the fourth millennium BC, and carefully incised and picked delicate and intricate markings on the huge stones, were competent astronomers, with an advanced level of astronomical understanding. This oversight on the part of archaeology may have been due to the narrow focus of academic archaeology in previous generations, and there are many who would downplay any astronomical significance at Knowth. But the Neolithic site there is covered with a plethora of astronomical imagery and symbolism which is quite explicit. In fact their astronomy is so advanced it had to have been part of an education system for generations. Further more you cant have advance understanding of astronomy without advanced math. Next time an atheist or theistic evolutionist tells you we are evolving remind him the Cromagnon and Neaderthal had 10-15% more brain. Size the he does. Of the estimated 35000 archealogical dig sites not a single one refutes the historical record of the bible. Parents talk to your children,tell them that it is OK to be a bible creation believer . mythicalireland/ancientsites/knowth/knowthlegacy.html
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 18:34:58 +0000

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