Ewan and Susan. As we are not on tonight (but back next week), we - TopicsExpress


Ewan and Susan. As we are not on tonight (but back next week), we are still able to bring you this weeks stars from Roger Pratt all the way from New York : General: This Sunday/Monday night the Sun will enter the sign Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. It is also the longest night and many of our Christmas customs come from magick performed to ensure that the Sun would rise once more the next morning. For it is the time when the Wheel of the Year almost comes to a complete stop, and the earth remains poised between Life and Death for a few heartbeats. Then with a gentle push from us it begins to quicken again and the year moves onwards. To ensure the Sun’s return on the morning of the 22nd, candles are lit to teach the Sun to glow and give us warmth again. Evergreen trees are brought indoors and covered with lights to emulate the sunshine. The coloured ornaments and sweets decorating the Tree simulate growing fruits and the abundance that Nature produces under the Sun’s warm caress. Wreaths decorating our doorways are the Yule”, or wheel in the ancient language of the Vikings, who knew all about attempting to draw the warmth of the Sun back to their chilly lands. These are the Druidic origins of Christmas, who added mistletoe to their celebrations symbolising the fertilising essence of the Sun, which when kissed underneath, always produces a gift or present from one to the other. This particular Winter Solstice is a more powerful time of beginning than usual as the Moon will also be a new one that night. The Sun and Moon beginning their new cycle together bring all of us here on earth many blessings and many new chances at love and romance. The things you desire, ruled by the Moon, and the things you are willing to do to get them, ruled by the Sun, make for a time of granted wishes. So be very careful to express precisely the things you wish to manifest because this time, you will get them! The Stars: Aries: The Zodiac begins with Aries, the sign of the pioneer. At home with themselves, the people born under this constellation are very independent and enjoy taking chances and having adventures alone. But this year begins a period where even the most confirmed batchelors or batchelorettes are going to be on a mission to catch a mate! There are moments in life where going it alone brings the biggest rewards, but for you Aries people, those days are numbered and you will find being part of a couple much more rewarding! Just remember, subtlety isnt your strong point but a subtle approach right now will net you the biggest prey. Taurus: Usually very cautious, especially when it comes to money matters, you will need to be on guard that you dont give away too much information. If looking for a new flat, or house, or even a job, DON’T go telling everyone about your search or posting it on social media. Your great common sense will ensure others are listening and theyll be sure to steal away opportunities from your grasp. So until youve signed, sealed, and delivered the contract, keep your big mouth shut! Gemini: Work and career are the highlighted areas of your chart this week, as are family members. There will be an attempt to get a work permit for employment, or a grant to enable you to be employed with a family member. If you are lucky enough to have a relative with a good position, they are likely to indulge in a bit of nepotism and draw you into the fold, and a well placed fold that could be. Its a good week financially Gemini, and hands held out to assist you should be grasped wholeheartedly. On another note, a budding romance could turn to brotherly or sisterly love, leaving you with yet another round of “just friends, lovers no more”. Cancer: The Solstice Moon in Capricorn brings a secret blessing for you. Aligned as your sign is to the lunar rhythms, your deep feelings and constantly changing emotions can interfere a bit in a world which prides itself upon being practical. But this time the Moon is in the sign which lessens Her effect upon you and you will be practical as all get out for the next few days. Use this time to pursue your goals, and those wavering vagueries that can lead you astray will be nowhere to be found. Youre about to astonish others and yourself at what you are willing to do to achieve your own ends, and at how quickly and effortlessly your magickal sign actually gets what it desires! Leo: Jupiter and the Sun combine their beneficent energies to radiate an aura of love around you at present. Not only will you be feeling at your best, which is usually difficult for Sun lovers like you in the depth of winter, but you will be looking tiptop and drawing many compliments from both friends and strangers. This LOVE energy and sense of well being is also at work drawing potential lovers into your sphere of influence. You wont have to exert much effort at all to form relationships with a romantic twist; in fact, if you arent currently available you will need to actively discourage the advances of others. Its a very magickal time for you and as the Sun is reborn this Solstice you too will begin a richer happier cycle than youve had in quite a while! Virgo: You will be regarding work associates as your closet friends this season which is a good thing as the workplace will be your home for the next few weeks. The cameraderie and good times will have an uplifting effect upon you and your health is going to improve bringing with it renewed energy. Although you tend to avoid crowds, anyplace where people are prone to gather in droves will give you a sense of peace and relaxation as you get caught up in the excitement. This is definitely not a time to spend too much time all by yourself in contemplation. There are times for solitude and times for engaging with society, and right now your mantra will be, “The more the merrier!” Libra: There are calculations used in astrology that aren’t planets themselves, but have an effect upon our lives. Two of them, which are called “The Part of Fortune” and “The Part of Spirit” respectively, have come into exact conjunction in the personality part of your chart. This is a time of increased luck and charm for you, and many will find you irrestible. Its as if Karma has decided to shower you with blessings, and you will feel on top of the world for a while as things seem to fall into place for you. Its a time to reset yourself and get your bearings for the coming year, and the more connections you set up now, the better this coming year will be. The password is “schmooze” and the more schmoozing you do now the more cruising youll be doing in 2015! Scorpio: There are still a few weeks of optimum earning potential for you, Scorpio, so get out there and HUSTLE! This period wont last forever but the deals you get started now can bear fruit for years to come so try to get as many underway as you can manage. Slow Saturn will be leaving your sign soon and youll feel as if lead weights have been lifted off your shoulders. This renewed energy will heal most aches and pains and youll have the proverbial “new lease of life” which is about to turn you into a powerhouse of ideas and suggestions. Other people will have a difficult time keeping up with you, especially if walking alongside you, so if possible take that into account and take smaller steps when doing things in tandem. If your partners are years your junior, theyll be just about able to keep up with your new pace and excitement about life. Sagittarius: Try not to get too disappointed if some friends have to cancel their holiday plans with you. Youll be inundated anyway with a multitude of family members and that will have you quite busy enough. Female guests could get your goat by insisting upon helping you in the kitchen while ignoring your suggestions to help with other more tedious chores. But the holidays come around once a year so attempt to put on your happiest face and it will all be over soon enough. A surprise package causes a stir in the household but the stars are a bit vague concerning the addressee. Capricorn: Youll be running yourself ragged trying to catch the shops before they close to rummage up gifts for those who mean the most to you, thanks to not planning far enough ahead. But your intuitive powers are on high alert, so finding the right things for the right people wont prove too difficult. Just wear your trainers and a nice jogging suit and beat the starting gun for the best deals. A flirtation or two in the process could slow your steps defeating your purpose, so have your number written on several cards and press them quickly into your admirers palms as you rush on by. Having people think the paparazzi are in pursuit has never hurt anyones reputation! Aquarius: Energies are high with Mars transiting your sign at present but you must watch that you dont rush things too quickly. There’s a small danger of fires, or electrical problems if you don’t take care to do things correctly. So no leaving any candles burning unattended, or placing the holly wreath, or menorah, too close to an open flame on the dinner table. And make sure the oven is clean before you begin using it. On the other hand, hang your holiday lights with care as the image of you dangling upside down entangled in twinkling fairy lights might be amusing, but it definitely isnt fun! Pisces: A cryptic message could be the key to a mystery that requires your attention this week. You wont have all the clues and it will be up to you to carefully interrogate others to get the story straight. But once you do, the trail leads to the uncovering of some information that youve needed to know about for some time; information that puts a whole new slant on things and takes away any feelings of blame that you might have been worrying yourself over. You begin this new year with a crisp clear conscience, and that may be the best present ever received!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:33:04 +0000

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