Ex-LAZ Chief Bows out Fighting for Constitution Former Law - TopicsExpress


Ex-LAZ Chief Bows out Fighting for Constitution Former Law Association of Zambia president James Banda made a loud bow from his position by reminding Vice President Guy Scott that government should create room for dialogue on the constitution making process. Banda said government should be willing to listen to other people on the constitution making process. “So Mr Vice President sir allow me therefore in the same vain to urge government through you to create room for dialogue with your constituents and to make their participation in the decision making process and in the governance of our great country a reality,” he said. “We need to constantly talk to government officials. The law requires us to talk to government officials effectively to achieve what is good for this country.” And Scott who picked on the hard-line stance pushed by the PF government by saying government should be arm twisted into delivering a new constitution. “And if people keep on saying constitution this, constitution that, the 50th anniversary celebration we should not have it, if we have it we will be hungry because of the constitution twapapata you can’t do that,” Scott said. zambiareports/2014/04/14/ex-laz-chief-bows-fight-constitution/
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 04:42:00 +0000

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