Exactly 1 year ago at 8:15pm, I was 37 weeks and 4 days along when - TopicsExpress


Exactly 1 year ago at 8:15pm, I was 37 weeks and 4 days along when my water broke. Immediately I jumped up and panicked and ran to the bathroom. Mike called the hospital and they said to head in right away. I ran to the bedroom to pack my bag and asked Mike if I could take a shower and get ready so I wouldnt look bad...LOL! Within 15 minutes the contractions started to hit and I thought to myself if this is what they feel like this is a piece of cake! Little did I know I was in for a rude awakening. After 30 minutes of consistent contractions, I was yelling at mike to hurry his ass up and get out the door! We packed our bags and headed to my moms to drop off Piggy when all of a sudden I heard a beep in the car and the gas light turns on....thats right, Mike left my car on dead empty! After punching him a couple of times (just kidding) we finally made it to the hospital where we checked in and began our life changing journey. We had no idea what we were in for or how the night was going to be, but we knew the end result would be a beautiful little miracle no matter how it played out. Within 3 short hours, I was already half way there and hanging on as best as I could with Mikes loving support and encouragement. He was right by my side through all of the heart-wrenching contractions and nauseousness. Even after throwing up all over him, he continued to hold my hand through it all and coach me as best as he could. After 10 short hours of labor and 2 and a half hours of pushing, I gave birth to the most amazing little boy I could have ever dreamed of. On October 18th at 6:37am, our perfect little boy of 6lbs 13oz and 19 inches long entered the world. In that moment, every thing was perfect and all the pain and suffering was completely worth it. We had no idea just how much of an impact this tiny person would have on us and our lives. Ever since the day we brought him home, he has changed us in more ways I ever thought possible. He has shown us the true meaning of life and made us realize we were never really living it before he was born. Becoming a mom to him has been the biggest blessing in my life next to the day that I met his daddy. Though there were many sleepless nights and many times I wondered if I was doing it right, I made it through and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Even though I’m a little bit early, I would just like to say Happy First Birthday Michael- I cant believe that a year has come and gone so fast. You have taught me just how valuable and precious time really is and I will forever cherish every waking moment that I have with you. I have been so emotional over this day and I realize that my baby is growing up in the blink of an eye. You are such a smart and energetic little boy who fills our lives with so much love and laughter. He now weighs a whopping 21 lbs and is 28 ½ inches long. He has 10 teeth, has learned to walk, and can say “mama, dada, ball, tickle, and dog.” I am so excited to watch you grow and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. We hope you have a great first birthday party tomorrow- mommy and daddy love you with all our hearts! Xoxo
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:25:34 +0000

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