Examples of Muslim women involved in politics... ...Women were - TopicsExpress


Examples of Muslim women involved in politics... ...Women were very much involved with politics. They contributed and advised on numerous issues; voicing their opinions and criticising matters regarding the state. The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself would seek advice regarding state matters from his wives. -It was Umm Salamah’s consultations that eased the heated situation surrounding the treaty of Hudaibiah whereby the weak terms of the treaty had angered the companions. -Similarly Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) would often consult Shifa bint Abdullah; an intellectual and scholastic woman in certain matters. -Another academic and competent scholar was Fatima bin Qais. Her counsel was sought on the selection of the next Caliph by the nomination committee when Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) died. -Amra bint Abdur-Rahman gave legal verdicts in Medina after the time of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) companions, and some of her opinions took precedence over opinions of other authorities. -Shifa bint Abdullah ibn Shams was appointed by the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself as the administrator and accountant of the largest market at that time; Medina. She was also later reappointed by Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) during his time of reign as Caliph. -Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was a female jurist whose rulings are till this day studied in Universities across the globe. -Umm Salaam was also known for giving several legal rulings during her time. and the list goes on. Our goal in life is to worship God. This is not to say we sit in prayer all night and day but rather the beauty of Islam is such that (with the correct intention and staying within the Islamic framework) worship takes numerous forms. Being a mother, a student, a public speaker, a poet, a writer, a teacher, a political figure, a news correspondent, a blogger, taking part in discussion and debating can all fall under the umbrella of worship too... ~Admin Twilight
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 18:30:00 +0000

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