Examples of Re-incarnation In this age, bookshops have lots of - TopicsExpress


Examples of Re-incarnation In this age, bookshops have lots of books on topics like Near- death experiences and even case histories of re-incarnation. In the first place, Masters discourage such things as reincarnation because it takes a lot to really be sure to the claim of a reincarnation relating to great persons in history. I wish at this point, however, to name some of the well known cases of reincarnation in history. It is well known for-instance, that the late USA President John F. Kennedy had been a re incarnation of Abraham Lincoln. General George Patton of the USA Tank division during the second World War, had previously been the French Napoleon Bonaparte, and he knew it. Still with the USA the great American Seer Edigar Cayce is known to have been St Luke. The Son Christ himself had previously been Jonah who had been asked to go and preach in the town of Niniveh. When he kept resisting he ended up three days in the belly of a Whale. He was the same Joshua the son of Nun whom Mozes chose for his successor, and was to be the conqueror of Jericho. Later, Joshua becomes King David. King Solomon had been in the beginning, the same soul as Mozes, the original King or Pharaoh Mwana Mutapa of ancient Zimbabwe, also the favourite son of Judah, Joseph of the Coat of many colours who was dramatically, to return home to Egypt in Afuraka. It is Joseph who is the Lion of Judah—later King Solomon, Moono Mutapa, Mozes, later, the Fisherman Simon Peter—St Francis of Assisi and the Venetian Master ( among others) Kuthumi (not Koot Hoomi) who had been ear-marked for the Christ of the future. The Pharaoh Thutmose III was the same Mathematician Pythagoras, later Master Koot Hoomi—Lal Singh of Kashimiri origin. He was one of my great teachers. Jesus and some of his old Apostles were also to appear in India. It is also known that Leonardo Da Vinci had been same as Apostle John the beloved—later on, Prester John the wandering Jew who did not die like all other Apostles of the Christ Jesus. This old Apostle of Jesus is in the world as Master Shoo- Shoo of China. Apostle Paul as Master Hilarion, of Crete, is in the world too. The two are some of the closest beings to my office, fortunately! The Son Christ himself had had his most recent incarnation and been in the world until 1986.He had been my personal Spiritual Guide since my childhood, and was as the Syrian Master Rom Rag. I have researched my own incarnations, including resurrecting some of the episodes of the times of Jesus and his Apostles in the Holi-land, my lives in India as Master, and in ancient Egypt—not to mention Europe. I have incarnated all over the world, and even going backwards through the many fallen Motherlands and Civilisations—even right into the first, Giant Race in the Golden Age! I knew right from childhood, for-instance, that the scourge of man known as racism was but a shameful, beastly no sense! Love You All, M.C. (LOGOSOGO) Copyright: sons of the Sun—LOGOS H.Q. *** N.B. Thanks to the Arab world for so many (hundreds) more ‘Likes’, in a day, with North Africa leading, and in Particular Egypt—from Cairo. Surely the old home of Thoth-- Trismegistus, could not fail to follow the old, World Renaissance spirit of ancient Egypt at the times of the Dark Ages, now since shifted to Southern Africa.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 06:25:41 +0000

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