Excellence and Nobility of Hazrat Uthmaan zun-noorain. Uthmaan - TopicsExpress


Excellence and Nobility of Hazrat Uthmaan zun-noorain. Uthmaan ibn Affaan was the third Khalifah and hence the third best person in the ummah. His mother urwaa bint kuraiz was a cousin of the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam , since his maternal grandmother umme-Hakeem Al-Baidhaa bint Abdul Muttalib was the twin sister of the prophets father Abdullah.(Tareekhul-khulafaa). He accepted Islam right in the beginning at the dawah of Abu Bakr r.a. He was blessed with the good fortune of being the ONLY man in the entire humanity to be married to two daughters of a prophet ,and not just any prophet but two daughters of the imam and seal of all the prophets. Hence he was known as Zun-noorain, the keeper of two lights. He was initially married to Ruqayyah radhi Allaho anha. She and Hazrat Uthmaan radhi Allaho anhuma both made hijrah to Abysinia and then to Madinah. When Ruqayyah radhi Allaho anha passed away, the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam gave his other daughter Umme Kulthoom radhi Allaho anho in marriage to him. Hazrat Uthmaan was from the Banu Umayyah and Allah had blessed him with abundance of goodness , wealth and generosity. On many occasions at the encouragement of the prophet he spent many thousands of Dirhams in the path of Allah and the prophet on numerous occasions gave him the glad tiding and assurance of Jannah, including when he bought a well in Madinah from a jew for drinking water for all the muslims. At the time of Tabook he gave 300 horses at the appeal of Rasoolullah sallallaho alaihe wasallam and the prophet became so happy that he said, ما ضرَّ عثمانَ ما عمل بعد اليومِ . After today no action of Uthmaan will ever harm him. He also paid for the wedding of Hazrat Ali to Fatimah radhi Allaho anhuma. He bought Hazrat Alis armour from him for four hundred dirhams and then returned it to him as a wedding present. Hayaa or modesty is a major part of iman. Uthmaan radhi Allaho anho had so much hayaa that the prophet once said, ألا أستحي من رجل تستحيي منه الملائكة Should I not feel haya from a man from whom even the angels feel haya. He would weep so much with the fear of Allah at the mention of death that his beard would become wet. He would recite the whole Quran in one rakaat of witr. Once the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam made mention of fitans and problems and said referring to Hazrat Uthmaan, هذا يومئذ على الحق He will be on Haq. The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam also informed him that Allah will clothe him with a robe , people will want to remove it , but he should not allow them to have their way. He understood it to mean khilaafah. Rebels and mischief makers claiming to support Hazrat Ali confined him to his house and after twelve years of khilaafah during which Islam spread to more than 6.6 million square miles, he was martyred in his own house while reciting the Quran on the 18th of Dhil-Hajjah. The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam also said, For every Nabi there is a companion in paradise and my companion is Uthmaan.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 09:59:20 +0000

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