Excellent article about the interim Iran nuclear deal by former - TopicsExpress


Excellent article about the interim Iran nuclear deal by former Secretary of States Henry Kissinger and George Schultz on the op-ed page of todays WSJ, They call the current interim deal a victory for Iran . Previously , multiple UN resolutions denied Iran the right to enrich uranium , restrictions that the the Iranians have ignored since 2003. The current six month interim deal allows Iran to enrich to 5%, thereby legalizing its status as a threshold nuclear state with breakout capability. This is a significant victory for Iran. Additionally , Iran got $8 billion in sanctions relief, which can not easily be undone once business deals are signed, should Iran be found to be cheating. Thus the sanction regime has been permanently crippled , and that is why the interim deal makes the need for military intervention more likely . According to the former Secretaries , a final deal, after six months of negotiations must be more than the current pause in Irans march to develop a nuclear weapon. Irans technical ability to construct a weapon must be meaningfully curtailed via a strategically significant reduction in the number of centrifuges , restriction in its installation of advanced centrifuges, and foreclosure of its route toward plutonium production capability. Any final deal must ensure the worlds ability to detect a move toward a nuclear breakout, lengthen the worlds time to react, and underscore its determination to do so. There you have it, from two of the most brilliant minds in foreign affairs alive today. Do you trust the Obama/Kerry team to successfully negotiate with the deceitful Iranians to achieve a final deal that meets these requirements? Especially after theyve already proven their incompetence by handing Iran a great victory in the interim deal? I certainly do not.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 22:57:05 +0000

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