Excellent commentary from Alexis~ Denial is the first stage of - TopicsExpress


Excellent commentary from Alexis~ Denial is the first stage of coming to terms with the unthinkable. In Westgate, a Kenyan mall oriented toward expats, terrorists separated Muslims from non-Muslims before killing them. The Muslims were allowed to go free if they could recite a Muslim prayer. During the attack, Al Shabaab’s Arabic Twitter account quoted the Koran, “Plant firmly our feet and give us victory over (Al-Kafireen) the disbelieving people.” (Koran 2:250). The Kuffar, the non-Muslims of Westgate, included small children. “I don’t understand why you would shoot a five-year-old child,” one of the survivors said. But the five-year-old was not a Muslim. Moments like these put the Clash of Civilizations into bloody context. This isn’t abstract politics. It’s not about economics, the environment or foreign policy. It’s about a worldview in which a five-year-old who can’t recite the Islamic confession of faith deserves to be killed. The crime is not being a Muslim. Or as Al Shabaab put it on Twitter, “Only Kuffar were singled out for this attack. All Muslims inside Westgate were escorted out by the Mujahideen (Islamic Holy Warriors) before beginning the attack.” Not getting the message, UK Prime Minister David Cameron declared, “These appalling terrorist attacks that take place where the perpetrators claim they do it in the name of a religion – they don’t.” “They do it in the name of terror, violence and extremism and their warped view of the world,” he elaborated. “They don’t represent Islam or Muslims in Britain or anywhere else in the world.” Considering the number of British Muslims who have joined Al Shabaab or support it financially, including reportedly at least one of the attackers, that is not the case. Cameron, hardly an expert theologian even on his own religion, describing himself as a “committed,” but “vaguely practicing” Christian, is in no position to expostulate on Islamic theology. But that hasn’t stopped him before. When a British soldier was beheaded in London, Cameron called it “a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country.” Demonstrating again his utter ignorance, he added, “There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.” The attackers who had quoted the Koran during their butchery clearly disagreed. But every politician becomes an instant expert on Islam when it comes to giving it a clean bill of health after every attack.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:00:32 +0000

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