Excellent message by Dr. Charles Stanley on commitment to - TopicsExpress


Excellent message by Dr. Charles Stanley on commitment to Christ. Reminds me of June 16, 2012, when I was at a crossroads in my life, and the Lord appeared personally to give me instructions. intouch.org/broadcast/today-on-radio Jesus Christ only allows Brent to transcribe for him, when he talks to me. Jesus Christs statements are in quotes. JUNE 13, 2012: [8:03:18 PM] Brent Spiner: I was made angry by some of the statements you made in your last couple of e-mails to Brent. [8:03:34 PM] Gail : Oh really. What comments specifically? [8:04:05 PM] Brent Spiner: It made me sad to hear that you thought my deadline was mean. You seemed to imply that this was too much for you and that you didnt trust my instructions. [8:04:11 PM] Brent Spiner: I would never give you more than you can handle. [8:04:43 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. Im sorry I made You angry. But Im afraid I misunderstood You. [8:05:08 PM] Brent Spiner: Indeed. I want you to know that I want you to treat finding a job as if it was a full time job in of itself. [8:05:20 PM] Brent Spiner: This can only help you. [8:05:33 PM] Gail : I have been doing that, havent I? [8:06:02 PM] Brent Spiner: You have been doing less than you are capable of, and spending much of the time whining and questioning me. I was very disappointed in you. [8:06:12 PM] Brent Spiner: I know you can do better. [8:06:38 PM] Gail : Oh, what more can I do? I have spent a lot of time online applying and have not eaten well and have only slept about five or six hours a night. [8:07:04 PM] Gail : i been too busy to eat and cook. [8:07:31 PM] Brent Spiner: When you read the Bible, you dont complain about not eating or sleeping. These are my personal instructions for you, and you wont sacrifice your time for me? [8:07:48 PM] Brent Spiner: You can schedule yourself such that you can eat and sleep enough to maintain yourself. [8:08:16 PM] Brent Spiner: Have breakfast in the morning, take a break for lunch, and take a break for dinner. Pretend as if you were still working at WalMart, only you are now working from home, trying to find a job. [8:08:41 PM] Brent Spiner: I died on the cross for you, Gail. I only ask that you fill out job applications for me, so that you can help support yourself. [8:09:09 PM] Gail : Where am I spending too much time, where I could be spending more time doing what You want? [8:09:46 PM] Gail : Thank you for dying on the cross for me. I really appreciate that. [8:10:01 PM] Brent Spiner: I want you to spend less time reading the Bible right now -- I have written the word in your heart and you should carry it in your heart while you do your work for me. [8:10:12 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. [8:10:57 PM] Gail : Also, I have intestinal issues. That yeast infection isnt gone. Im very tired. But I can push myself, I have done it before. [8:11:01 PM] Brent Spiner: I had bleeding issues when I was on the cross. [8:11:08 PM] Gail : You sure did. [8:11:18 PM] Brent Spiner: Its going to take sacrifice, Gail, and its not going to be pleasant. [8:11:29 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. [8:11:45 PM] Brent Spiner: Nobody said tribulation was going to be fun. [8:12:11 PM] Gail : You really meant it when You said I was going through what those tribulation saints are gong through. [8:12:51 PM] Brent Spiner: Indeed. I hope you understand that tough love is still love. All I say is in your best interest. I have shielded you from the worst of it. [8:13:06 PM] Brent Spiner: Take Matthew McConaughey for instance -- he swelled up like a balloon, for you, in space. [8:13:14 PM] Brent Spiner: I will never allow you to feel the cold vacuum of space, Gail. I just wanted to share this, to show how Jesus Christ has been talking to me ever since Brent Spiner started an online correspondence with me. I have noticed some things about this. We have literally gone through the same things that Jesus disciples went through. I believe the reason Jesus has chosen to communicate with us directly like this, is because He knows we are absolutely committed to him, even in the face of death. Like Peter, I have not been perfect, but when Im wrong, Im a good repenter. Or maybe I should say like David, because I have half of his genetic profile. Its not easy to be the Lords disciple, because Satan then becomes obsessed with you, and I can tell you from experience, Satan is not easy to deal with! Any ways, I write my books for those who have hearts for God. God is using me and my men to show people the way to God as we near the Biblical tribulation period. For those who may be envious that God speaks to me and my men directly sometimes. We face death daily, and most especially men. Like right now, I dont know where they are, though I believe they are inside the sun! I am stronger than I was in June 2012 when Jesus had to scold me. I have grown by leaps and bounds as a believer. Though Jesus has instructed me to spend less time in the Bible (thats because I used to worship the Bible like a God), he would not necessarily give the same instructions to someone else. I have read the Bible from cover to cover over a 100 times. You may ask, Are you sure you are conversing with the real Jesus? Absolutely. One of the advantages of reading the Bible over a 100 times from cover to cover, is you really get to know the mind of God. This Being who converses with me through Brent Spiner, has the mind of God as revealed in His Word. In fact, I personally believe that if I had not read the Bible so much, that Jesus wouldnt waste His time to talk with me directly. He realizes that because the Word is in my heart, that I have enough wisdom and commitment to understand and apply his instructions for me as He wants-- if he makes a personal appearance on my behalf, which he has. I have not met Him face to face, but recognize the personality of the speaker who Brent transcribes for, as none other than God Himself. Before He showed up to speak with me directly through Brent, he gave me signs that I was special to him. Like I would pray and then 24 hours later an earthquake would hit the area I was praying about. Stuff like this has happened so much, that when Jesus finally showed up and spoke to me personally, I was not surprised when He told me I was His favorite. Also, the obsession the Jesuits have with me, also indicates I am Jesus favorite. You might say, This must make you feel like you are invincible. I only feel invincible when I know I am OBEYING every command I get from Jesus. I realize I will lose my invincibility if I am in rebellion to God. Rather than making ME feel important, it makes me feel that JESUS IS IMPORTANT, and that I am ONLY important when I OBEY HIM. I am currently working on a book that describes in more detail how Jesus started conversing with me directly through Brent Spiner. It should be a fascinating spiritual study for those who truly want to know the 21st century Jesus. But in order to understand this book, you will need to read the first book in the series called The Forbidden Abyss: Part One. Jesus calls me his favorite writer. Apparently, the job he had for me was to be a writer, both online and in print. We are in very confusing times spiritually, and very close to the Biblical tribulation period. Jesus is using me to help those who desire to be his saints in the tribulation. For helping Jesus with this, he will reward both Brent and me with His semen as a wedding gift for our millennial wedding. If you are jealous, ask yourself, if you are willing to lose your reputation, your money, your financial security and maybe even your life to serve Jesus? Thats what I and my men deal with every day. And yet, I would not trade this life of serving Jesus for anything else, because He is an awesome God.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:12:40 +0000

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