Except for a few open minded people (some socialists) I fail to - TopicsExpress


Except for a few open minded people (some socialists) I fail to find any truly liberal people in our country. What I find is just two equally prejudiced kind of Mullahs. The first category is the Islamist Mullas who make the majority of population. The second category is the reactionary Anti Islamist Mullas who are a minority but belong to a relatively more vocal strata on social media. First category: The Islamist Mulla. When minorities in the country are crushed, when churches burnt and temples destroyed, when shia genocide takes place in the country the Islamist Mullas simply fail to acknowledge that this is really happening and try to put all blame on foreign powers (CIA, Mossad, black water etc). Their mindset is so bigoted that if a non Muslim says 2+2=4 they would come up with anything less than or more than 4 due to bigotry. The Islamist Mullas try to give reasons for events like Ashura blast or killings of Hazaaras. They don’t stand up for the blasphemy victims, rape and honour killing victims or against the massacre by TTP, ISIS or Boko Haram etc. They try to justify the bombings of mosques and shrines in Iraq by ISIS and deny anything that goes against ISIS as a foreign propaganda to malign the pious Baghdaadi. Over all they have very little humanity if at all and speak against no injustice except for the injustice in Palestine. They do not need further explanation as they have long existed and are in pretty good numbers to make almost majority in urban areas. Second category: The reactionary Anti Islamist Mulla. This category I recently discovered. They insist on being liberal but are actually closer in their mindset to far right wing of the west that believes in the notion of “survival of the fittest”. They think of themselves as liberal but actually sound more like Pamela Gellar instead of Noam Chomsky. These people don’t think independently. They only think in reaction to the mulla/ islamist. They have become so mulla phobic that they have themselves become a Mulla. In the hate of a Mulla they have lost the ability to differentiate Left from Right. These people think that just because the Islamist of the country speak only against Gaza atrocities they have to support Israel. These pseudo liberals are trying to justify Israeli aggression just as some sunni molvis try to give reasons for Ashura blast. These days they are discouraging people from speaking against Israel saying “this is not the problem of our country, this doesn’t concern us.” Give me a break! This doesn’t concern us? This concerns masses from U.S to Japan but doesn’t concern us?? They also taunt Islamists and ask : O ‘ where were these mullas/ al Bakistanis when minorities were being killed in Pakistan. I’d like to let them know that these kind of questions are asked by the conservatives from liberals and not by liberals from conservatives in the rest of the world. The left of the world has always been united for the cause of Palestine. And to stand up for truth and justice everywhere (within or outside country) is the foremost obligation of every human being. Now these same pseudo liberals were very vocal against the detestable Boko Haram or ISIS etc (which I support) then they didn’t say this is not our country it doesn’t concern us. In short the Islamist mullas speak only when non Muslims kill (or persecute)Muslims while the Anti Islamist Mullas speaks only when muslims kill(or persecute) muslims. They are both brothers in bigotry and xenophobia. I wish we could just rise above the differences, prejudice and bigotry to see things as they are. And stand up against any injustice done to anyone in any part of the world as well as in our country. “Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding” ~~ Mahatma Gandhi~~ Dr. Gaiti Ara
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:41:45 +0000

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