Except from Friends and Enemies , a crime drama written about - TopicsExpress


Except from Friends and Enemies , a crime drama written about the River City. Marton McConnell is a burnt out cop from Memphis who tries to stay ahead of a federal agent that is assigned to the case. He is forced to work with the infuriating and intoxicating Isabell. She manages to stay a step ahead of Marton and he knows she is not telling him everything about the hit taken out on his partner by the Russian mob. Memphis, 12:45am Marton awoke to his cell phone piercing through the darkness of his bedroom. He had originally signed a six month lease for this apartment overlooking the river. He kept telling himself that he would go back to her when she had cooled off. That was two years ago. Looking at the screen, Marton saw it was Chris, his partner. Knowing he was being called in, he was already getting out of bed as he answered. Marton stopped as the voice over the line wavered and spoke in tear choked words. Ill be there in a minute. He said as he threw on the clothes he dropped on the floor just a few hours earlier. At the Regional Medical Center, Marton walked down the halls, parting a way through groups of people who walked toward him. His six foot three inch frame created an imposing presence but when he wore his anger on his face, he was terrifying. He pulled his badge and passed through the doors of the ICU. Angie, his partners wife saw him and came out of the glass partitioned room where Chris lay. They are taking him to surgery. Hes not there, Marton. Hes not there. What happened? Marton asked, never taking his eyes off of Chris. He lay on blood soaked sheets while nurses were preparing him to go into the OR. He just got home, they shot him in the driveway. Angies eyes were red from crying and something else. Marton, find them. Make them pay. She didnt plead. She demanded. Marton nodded, turned on his heel and walked out.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 03:46:40 +0000

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