Except from the Divine Service conducted by our beloved D/Apostle - TopicsExpress


Except from the Divine Service conducted by our beloved D/Apostle S. C. Ndandula at Rufunsa Main Congregation. Sunday 27th July 2014. Text Read: Psalms 9:10 (And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.) After Text Hymn: Hearken! Heed Gods voice today (in Soli) 120 CHC - Dear brothers and sisters, the Choir has rendered a hymn that we should hearken to the word of God.... - We need to be one, why? Because Christ is coming to get only one Bride. That bride is us when we become one in Faith, Love and in waiting for his return....we should endavor to labour in love, as our theme for this year rightly put by our dear Chief Apostle through the ministration of the Holy Spirit. - Coming to our text, we are told that we need to trust God. You can only trust the person whom you know well and cannot disappoint you. God is trust worth because His word always comes to pass and we know Him. - How do we know God? We know him as our Father, and that He has great love that He sent his Son to come and die for us. - We also know God, the Son. He also loved us in such a way that He suffered for our sake. - We also know God through the Holy Spirit, in that love was poured in our hearts through the laying on of hands upon our heads. - Since we know him, we can trust him fully. Here on earth sometimes its difficult to trust people. When you mention particular names they ll tell you that, that one cannot be trusted, if you he promised you something just forget, but with God He always fulfills His promises. - The second part of our text says that He does not forsake those who seek Him. How do we seek the Lord? Here I can give an example from the bible of one who did seek the Lord. - The Cananite Woman came to Jesus to seek help. She told the Jesus that the daughter was sick, and Jesus first ignored her. When she persisted, Jesus replied with a rather hash answer saying; Food served for the children of the master cannot be given to Dogs. If that was said to one of us today by one of the Apostles or leaders, they would say: They call themselves Apostles and Ministers, but today he calls me a dog or others would say instantly, If I am a dog, then you are also a dog because we look alike. But this Cananite Woman didnt do that. - What did the woman posess to manage all this? She had knowledge that Jesus can help her, secondly, she had faith and perseverence, and she also had petience and humilty. - Even us today we are being told that we need to trust God that he can help, we need to have faith even when we pray, if He does not answer today there is a reason. Even when those who dont know God succeed in their businesses, we should know that its just grace. - Some of the names we give ourselves are not well known, names like Charles, Stanely, Michael, but when you mention names like Munsaka, you will that this person is Zambian, when you mention a name like Milupi, am sure its not from Europe. - When we are born, no one was ever given a name at birth as a Thief, just upon being born, but such names come because of our actions that we do as we grow. - In preparation for repentance, we know that God will forgive us our sins, but we should strive to avoid to repeat the sin that we have been forgiven, only then shall grace cover us. We sin in many ways, in our minds and sometimes in the way we talk to others, not just in the congregation, but even here at the altar. There is nothing like small sin and big sin, sin is Sin. Called upon to asssist: 1. Apostles A. Singanda, P. Poho, and S. Munsaka. Closing Hymn: O Lord our Lord , how excellent 448 GHC
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 08:58:43 +0000

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