Excerpt - LET ME IN! Once the game ends, I politely stand up to - TopicsExpress


Excerpt - LET ME IN! Once the game ends, I politely stand up to say my goodbyes. After hugging all the women and shaking all the men’s hands, Jessa says she’ll walk me out. “What are you doing for the rest of break?” she asks as we continue to take steps to the front door. I can’t help but feel that my time here has gone by too fast tonight. “I have to work but other than that, not much of anything,” I answer. “Well, call or text me and we can get together,” she says casually when we reach the door. I grab my jacket and turn back toward her. “You do the same, I’ll be around,” I inform her. “What are you doing for New Year’s?” The hesitation in her voice makes me hopeful. “I usually meet one of my buddies in their hometown, but this year I don’t have any plans,” I embarrassingly admit. “Well, you do now. I have a friend who’s throwing a party. Why don’t you come? Brady and Sadie will be there too,” she says. The way her fingers fiddle with her multiple ear piercings is adorable. I wonder if it’s a nervous habit. The thought that she’s uneasy asking me, makes my lips turn up widely in response. “Alright, do you want me to pick you up?” I pray the desperation in my voice goes unnoticed. “No, that’s okay. Rob will be home, so you can meet us there. I’ll text you the address.” Just like that, the excitement of a date with Jessa vanishes. “Sounds good.” I open the door, displaying what I imagine is my fakest smile. “See you, Jessa,” I say, waving my hand. “Hold up, Grant,” she calls out. When I turn around, she wraps her arms around my neck and pushes herself against me. I quickly back away, after the briefest and most awkward hug ever. Regret consumes me automatically when I see her questioning face, but the last thing I need is her feeling how excited she can make me just from a simple hug. “Merry Christmas, Grant,” she softly says, nervously biting her lip. This girl has so many different personalities I’m beginning to wonder who the real Jessa Harrison is. “Merry Christmas, Jessa.” I turn around, walking down the steps. I desperately want to turn around to see if she’s watching me go, but I can’t bear the thought that she isn’t. The chance that she might have shut the door right away kills me. Turning the corner after walking through the small wrought-iron fence, my willpower weakens and I glance up to the door. To my surprise, she’s still standing there. I give her a quick wave, and she smiles at me before waving back. When I turn around, I can’t stop the huge grin that absorbs my face. Yeah, I’m not the only one feeling something here. Amazon - amzn.to/HbuoSl Amazon UK - amzn.to/1gXQy8R Nook - bit.ly/1a4ChUN
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:30:01 +0000

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