Excerpt : Forgrave and Keyandwy….Jan 3, - TopicsExpress


Excerpt : Forgrave and Keyandwy….Jan 3, 2015 ************************************************************************************* Conversation started Saturday Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 1:05am Nancy took herself off. Take yourself off now, Kim, and we will move beyond this, and let it drop...txs. Put me back on as an admin first..txs. Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 1:11am I wont rub your or Nancies nose in it. Otherwise this is just getting started... Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 1:26am Im only going to say this notice.....I was asked by Nancy a couple of weeks ago to help her with the site. She knows my passion and my heart. I saw the post you asking her to take the site. So you have already dragged my name through the mud. And had your Lil friends help you. Go ahead and threatened me all you want. Not scared! Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 1:28am No such thing as a Trademark on FB! Have a good night! Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 1:35am You need to read the three way conversation over again. Im going to post it tomorrow. You gave me a big thumbs up in it and then you changed your mind and decided to colloborate with Nancy. Im not trying to scare you. Im trying to reason with you. Visit the fb dashboard. Trademark and intellletual property rights issues are not new to fb. Rogue admins have done this in the past. Dont fool yourself about it. All you have to do now is take yourself back off of it and its over with....why are you hanging onto it. ? I dont understand if..? Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 1:42am Charles with respect, the 3-way conversation took place on Sunday, not Monday! So this conversation is over. And just for the record, I save all conversations. Good night! Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 1:43am What are your concerns that youre not taking yourself back off of it..I will make this proposal to you. I will delete all of my posts related to this as soon as i have my site back. Make me a counter proposal.... We both have better things to do with our time.... ..than spend weeks on this.... Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 1:56am Charles in the 2 1/2 years I have been on these FB sites, I have learned many lesson. I have met many people in person. I know who are on these sites that help them feel important, or they have other agendas. Or like me are truly concerned. We can solve this very easily. Post apologies publicly to Nancy & I for posting incorrect information, and state that you did out of spite and that you were mistaken on your comments! Also Jim H and Linda Nowling. Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 1:59am Well I could do that. But just like Angie isnt Nancies friend, Jim and I talk very little to none...the same with Linda and I...weve hardly spook for several months..... They have their own issues with this Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 2:05am Then obviously you have not seen all the degrading comments from those that I mentioned, but I figured you post and then leave. Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 2:06am Darlene and Angie spent the afternoon bashing me on the explorer. Not because they like you or Nancy. But because they dont like me and this is an opportunity for them to degrade me....this is what happens on here. No, Ive seen them all... Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 2:08am Nancy has done nothing but defended you all these years. She has stuck up for you on many occasions. She even told me that you & her are friends. This is how you treat friends, I would really hate to see how you treats your enemies. But my opinion only. Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 2:10am Yeah lets not get into rehashing that... Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 2:10am I dont give people reasons to degrade. I build not year down. Tear them down....sorry. Im tired and going to bed. Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 2:11am I appreciate that about you... Ive known Nancy on face book for 12-13 years. Theres more going on here than you know. People who have worked with her over the years have seen this behavior before. Have you met her in person? Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 2:17am Yes I have! And thats funny cause she says the same about. Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 2:20am Yes, I know she does. But she took over three of my sites...doesnt that raise questions in your mind? Ive been doing this since 2003... call me...906 259 1558 well talk...well take turns.. Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 2:24am Well thats between you & Nancy. I havent been on as long as you all. Besides, I was asked to help with just with one. So I know nothing of the others. Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 2:24am call me and well visit... Kim Keyandwy…1/3, 2:27am The damage has been done Charles. So I dont see calling will help. Good night Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 2:28am I dont want to be your friend. I want to talk this over with you.... Like I said, we both have better things to do with our time.. We can settle this right now...put it behind us... We will both be in a better place when we wake up tomorrow.... If no one says another word about it, new issues will replace it almost immediately... Ill erase every post having to do with it. I wont bring it up again. I will write the statement that you requested...I think thats reasonable... Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 2:45am Agree to this now, take yourself off Sault Tribe Truth, put me on as an admin, copy this post as our agreement...and were done with it. Ill honor it... Charles Donald Forgrave…1/3, 2:52am Ill honor this proposal until 7:30 am tomorrow, Jan, 3, 2015... Kim Keyandwy… Sat 10:42am Seen ****************************** Sunday, Jan. 4, 2015 12:32pm My proposal is still on the table, Kim.. Charles Donald Forgrave…12:46pm Kim I know that Nancy was the mastermind behind the theft of these three sites. She has taken herself back off all three of them. Youre there alone on the Sault Tribe Truth now. If something becomes of this youre the one thats going to take the hit. Thats not fair to you... Kim Keyandwy…12:50pm Charles no matter how you spin this. She did not take any sites. She is still admin on STT and asked me to help her. To much proof that you gave her that site. Now either we stay as admins or we take ourselves off and it will just be another site not managed. Your choice. I am not going to discuss this any further with you. Charles Donald Forgrave…12:52pm This is going to play out over a period of months. The fanfare will not follow it when it goes to legal. I feel you should get some help. Find someone who you can talk this over with...preferably legal. Neither of us want to get into those dark waters. Im reluctant to do anything with this because of how naive you seem to be about trademark and intellectual issues on face book. Charles Donald Forgrave…12:54pm Well, I dont see her as an admin on the site... Im going to give this another week before I go to face book or anywhere else with it. I want you both to think this over some more. I will get back to you about this again in a week.. Kim Keyandwy…12:55pm I have never said anything inappropriate about you. And you have slammed me many times. I just let it roll, cause you are entitled to your opinion as I am. I treat people with respect. I have never thrown you under the bus. If I have to block you I will. This nonsense has to stop. Kim Keyandwy…12:56pm Do what you have to do. These are public sites. Charles Donald Forgrave….1:00pm Well, Im writing to give you every opportunity to do the right thing before we go further with this...it appears at this point that youre not going to, I hope you will change your mind. I will talk to you again in a week.... Charles Donald Forgrave…1:06pm I will post this on face book There are those with their own sites who are interested in the outcome of this… Kim Keyandwy…1:12pm How about you concentrate on all your other sites. Stop adding me to those sites. I do not want to be apart of the hate sites, the look at me how wonderful I am sites. I am here for those who dont judge, I dont make nasty comments to upset or insult people. You can post whatever you want. But remember this is your reputation, Im not worried about mine. I know whats in my heart. We the people is my only concern! Good day Mr. Charles! Kim Keyandwy…1:15pm Smart & connected people rise above!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:10:22 +0000

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