Excerpt One from An Unexpected Love Due to hit Amazon this - TopicsExpress


Excerpt One from An Unexpected Love Due to hit Amazon this Winter Kyler ~ Back flash “Kyler honey are you awake?” I hear Mrs. Ryan say from the hall. I’ve been sitting in my window for the last hour. I hate this place it’s not home, it’s nothing like home. “Yea, just looking outside.” I barely get the words out before she walks in. I see her smile and try my best to return the smile but it’s still very hard to smile. I was ripped away from everything I’d ever known and my family was dead. To beat it all I’m seven months pregnant with twins. I have no idea what I am doing. My family was supposed to be here to help me. “Why don’t you come down stairs I have breakfast ready for you.” I hear Mrs. Ryan say through my thoughts. I just nod and get off the window seal and walk downstairs. I barely make it to the kitchen when the smell of eggs hit me. Usually I love eggs but today they are making me sick. I quickly back away from the kitchen and make it to the bathroom before everything in my stomach comes up. Mrs. Ryan walks in and grabs a wash cloth and runs it under the cold water, then hands it to me. I sit back against the wall once I know I am okay and start crying. “I miss my family. I want my mom here to tell me everything is okay.” Mrs. Ryan just nods then pulls me out of the floor and takes me to the living room. She looks at me carefully as she sits on the couch “I think we should go shopping to make this place more yours. I know it won’t bring back your family or make everything go back to normal but I think if we make it more you it will feel more like home.” I smile at her as she says something “I think your right, I’m gonna change then meet you by the door in ten” I say jumping up and heading up the stairs. We’re dressed and out the door in no time. “So where to?” Mrs. Ryan asks. “I think we need paint and need to order the baby stuff. They will be here before we know it.” I smile as I watch the road. We go to a cute little baby shop that is supposed to have everything I’ll need. Arco, Idaho is nothing like Seattle, Washington. Arco is much more country then I am use to, all I can say I thank god they did not take me to Kentucky or somewhere like that. I look over at Mrs. Ryan when she asks me if I’m ready to go in. “Yep lets go.” Five hours later I’m shopped out and we are home with the things we could fit in my truck and the rest should be delivered in a day or so. I grab the Chinese menu we have so I can order take out, I’ve been craving it and sour gummies which I picked up while we were out. I take it to the couch where Mrs. Ryan was sitting so we could look at it together. “What do you want Kyler?” she asks. I laugh “Everything, I’m starving.” I started laughing again as I feel a kick “Apparently I’m not the only one that is hungry.” Mrs. Ryan starts laughing with me “They’re hungry Mom.” She says which throws me into a bigger fit of giggles. Thirty minutes later we hear a knock at the door Mrs. Ryan yells up that she will get it. I figured it’s just our Chinese being delivered. Im setting the plastic on the floor so we can start painting after we eat. Just as I finished setting everything up I hear Mrs. Ryan scream out. I ran to my bedroom to grab my phone and the gun they made me keep beside my bed. I hid myself in the closet as I called Mr. Ryan, on the second ring I heard him answer. Hey, hows my girls doing? He sounded happy Someones here, Im in the closet with my gun like you told me to do. I heard a scream! What do I do? I rambled nervously. Calm down Kyler... I am calling the Police in Arco. I know your father taught you to shoot. So you go downstairs and if you think you need to shoot then intruder then that is what you do. He sounds a bit nervous. Okay, I got it. I say then hang up the phone. Sneaking down the stairs I see a man is holding Mrs. Ryan against the wall. Mrs. Ryan makes eye contact with and I hold up one finger to see how many people are in the house. “YOU AND ME ARE THE ONLY ONES HERE ASSHOLE! LET ME GO NOW!” she screams and I just nod at her. The intruder slams her head against the wall again. I tiptoe the rest of the way down and sneak up behind them. I place my gun to the back of his head. “The guns loaded and the cops are on their way. Now let Mrs. Ryan go or I will shoot you before the get here.” I say as calmly as possible. “I don’t think you will actually shoot me.” He sounds extremely pissed off. “I am going to give you to the count of three then I will shoot this gun!” I wait a moment to see if he will let her go. Damn it he is going to call my bluff! “One… Two… Thr”. He let go of Mrs. Ryan before I got three out. “Now turn around.” The man slowly turns to look at me and tries to take the gun out of my hand. While fighting for the gun I can feel a pain starting in my stomach, oh no it’s too soon. Damn it Ky you know better than this. With one hand on the gun I knee the man in the nuts and steal the gun back away from him. I back away quickly and when the man starts to come at us I pull the trigger.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 02:20:00 +0000

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