Excerpt from Claire Burkes journal. It captures what makes ice - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from Claire Burkes journal. It captures what makes ice hockey so special.... Effortlessness. This word stood out for me because so often Im my own worst enemy. Struggle is a frequent word in my vocabulary. Effortlessness sounds wonderful. I think its like that idea about happiness...that we are most happy when we are concentrating so fully on something that we lose self-consciousness. Thats what I think of with effortlessness, a kind of grace, letting the joy of living flow through me. When I was learning how to play ice hockey, I would fall asleep visualizing myself doing pivots, quick stops and dekes. It was so foreign and thrilling that it consumed my whole being. It wasnt effortless. But somehow I came closer to that because I was so focused on learning. I was focusing so intently that I lost my self. Thats where the sense of grace lives. Thats where I find effortlessness, when I can lose the self-conscious self, when my actions are about something greater than me.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:02:45 +0000

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