Excerpt from JYJs interview in Marie Claire KR Aug 2014 issue - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from JYJs interview in Marie Claire KR Aug 2014 issue (1) 1. Yuchun I like group activities better than individual activities, to be honest...I enjoy it. I dont know how fans would feel. There may be fans who support individuals activities more. But sometimes I feel that the fans would place more importance and show more interest in group activities. Jaejoong I agree. 2. Junsu When we first started our activities, I think fans also thought that it was reasonable and good thing for a member to do something for another member. But at some point in time, fans started to be sensitive about things that we thought nothing of doing for each other. There are fans who become fans because of Jaejoongs acting, or fans who like my musical, not JYJ. It goes same for Yuchuns drama. I think thats what their positions are. But, I hope that they would keep in mind that we are JYJ before that. 3. Jaejoong We say these words with caution since the intentions of the fans are for the good of us, support and love for me. But I really would like to take this chance to talk about this before starting group activities for this album. Please keep in mind that we are able to come out and do our individual activities from the energy we gain from JYJ. 4. Yuchun There is another thing I would like to ask of our fans. We set the directions for our activities. We discuss it with the agency, but we make most of the decisions. But I noticed that there were many people who criticize the agency. Junsu People believe that decisions that are beneficial to some and as beneficial to others are being made. Yuchun Please understand this. There are times when we make considerations for the agency and when members make considerations for other members. But fans think that the decisions we made out of consideration for each other is a decision made unilaterally by the agency. Of course, we know. We know that it is out of your love for that member. But we chose to walk out from [former] agency because we wanted to make our own decisions, and so we prioritize the respect for our opinions above anything else. Junsu Yes. We listen to what the agency has to say. But we make the decisions. Among our activities, some have been more successful than others. Fans believe that those decisions have been made by the agency, but it is not true. To put it simply, we do what we want to do. I would like the fans, out of the love they have for us, to understand that JYJ are people who take responsibilities for the decisions they have made. Jaejoong We hope that the fans would support us so that we could do what we want to do. Of course, we know that the fans have been our greatest support going through the hard times with us when we left our former agency. Junsu After the hard times, I feel that the members and fans have laughed more and grown closer together. That is why we would like the fans to enjoy our group activities instead of being worried and defensive. Above all, I have the deepest gratitude for the fans. Jaejoong Its like fans and we are a family now. via @inheaven_wJYJ
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:30:01 +0000

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