Excerpt from Kato and the Fountain of Wrinkles. Publisher Tate - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from Kato and the Fountain of Wrinkles. Publisher Tate Publishing. Interview between Kato Rhyan and Baylee Pug on the set of e! Pooch News: “This has to have been one of your most challenging roles, was it not?” inquired Baylee Pug, giving her black button ears an intuitive perk. She lounged comfortably across from Kato atop a bright pink fuzzy mamasan which, but for the abundance of fluffy pillows caressing her under parts, would have swallowed her whole. “So, exactly how did you physically prepare for such a grueling role? And, by the way, you look fabulous I must add,” she gushed, firmly fixating her gaze upon Kato’s deep molten eyes. She smooshed her chin dreamingly into the nooks and cranny of the oversized fluffy hot pink pillow resting beneath her head. Kato felt the blue straps of his harness tighten around his torso. “Thanks,” he said, rather flustered. Compliments always did have a way of making him discomfited -- ironically. And, Baylee’s awkward gawk certainly wasn’t helping. Kato diverted his eyes downward and shifted the weight of his hind in between the horrifying shades of hideous pink nestled in the crevasses of the equally terrifying and ginormous pink frilly mamasan he’d been forced to sit. After a brief pause, he sheepishly rolled his eyes upon Baylee. “Well,” he said, forcing a smile. “I have to admit, preparing for Ninja Pugs in Outer Space was a bit challenging. It was virtually impossible getting inside the inner workings of Buck Wrinkles’ mind, you know. I mean, when I was first given this script, I was like this pug is crazy, totally mental, you know. He’s so completely opposite of who I am as a pug. I mean, I really had to lock myself away and dig deep to find that, um, special nuance, you know, that special something to bring him to life, you know.” Kato stifled a yawn and gave a quick glance at the stage hand, yearning for a sign, any sign for Baylee to start wrapping things up. No such luck. “So, is it true you worked out five hours a day with your personal trainer, Gav Man Pug, only ate gluten free high endurance DogPlex bars and spent another five hours a day working with a martial arts specialist, just to learn the highly intricate action scenes for over a year before filming even began?” “Of course, it is,” said Kato, his voice bordering mundane melancholy. “Look, I am an actor, taking risks is what it’s all about.” Twelve hours ago, that same question had been met with a much more energetic, charming response, but that was twelve hours ago before sleep deprivation and hunger pains. “So, now that you have forged into the martial arts genre, any chance we’ll see you and your dad teaming up for a flick?” “You never know what the future holds,” smiled Kato more so at the stage hand who was now feverishly signaling at Baylee to begin wrapping things up. “It’s about time,” he thought unable to control the excited twitch of his curly tail. Only a few more seconds, then finally freedom, food, sleep and he didn’t care which came first at this point.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 19:18:03 +0000

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