Excerpt from “Mr. Tidbit’s Dilemma” Pages 13-15 The - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from “Mr. Tidbit’s Dilemma” Pages 13-15 The end of summer however was drawing near, and soon those beautiful warm days of August would slowly give way to autumn when the air would once again be cool and crisp, a perfect time for young lovers to stroll within the park, and perhaps sit on their bench, holding hands and whispering to one another, just across the street from the Dakota. She, like Mr. Tidbit have known all along that their time together would be brief, and like the slow inevitable turning of a season, it would end, and the natural order of life would once again emerge. You see unbeknown to Mr. Tidbit, Mrs. Vladimir is terminally ill, and by all medical accounts should have died many months ago, leaving her doctors somewhat baffled, in that rather then growing weaker, and being bedridden, just the opposite has occurred. It’s often been said that the will to survive can be at times stronger then any medicine, and it seems that even nature has given them a reprieve, in that the weather is still warm and inviting, thus allowing them more time for their scheduled encounters. It was now nearing the end of September and autumn had officially arrived, and with it another important date that her doctors and warned she would never keep, her 100th birthday. And while Mrs. Vladimir never mentioned her birthday to Mr. Tidbit…Mr. Tidbit had already surmised that her birthday was drawing near, and of course it worth repeating once again, that Mr. Tidbit is an anomaly, an irregularity…in short an individual, who for the last 3-months as been working longer hours at his various odd jobs to earn extra money, so that he can give Mrs. Vladimir a surprise birthday party on the park bench in Central Park, at 72nd Street, overlooking the Dakota. He had asked Josie several months ago to make a list as to what foods she liked, he knew that within their many conversations she was partial to several Champagnes, and wines, and he knew her favorite flower happened to be the title of a 1946 film called “The Blue Dahlia” starring Alan Ladd, an award winning actor, of the 40’s and 50’s, that Mrs. Vladimir claims to have known well, the flower itself has a beautiful lavender-blue bloom, almost mirroring the exact shade of Mrs. Vladimir’s eyes. Now whether she knew Alan Ladd, or for that matter slept with Rudolph Valentino, who’s to say, to Mr. Tidbit’s way of thinking the past is gone forever, and who’s to say what is fact or fiction, all he knows is that Mrs. Vladimir is an incredibly interesting lady, who has lived for almost a full century, and still has an air of intrigue about her, and its obvious by her fastidious an unique appearance that she doesn’t subscribe to the one size fits all polyester and sneaker ensemble favored by the over 70 crowd, and while age may have diminished her physically, her sense of style is still intact. In fact you might say that Mrs. Vladimir’s appearance is of a refined and classic elegance, simple yet timeless. Josie however, had confided to Mr. Tidbit that Mrs. Vladimir on more then one occasion would cancel appointments, if she felt her appearance wasn’t up to her standards; however she always instructed Josie to make sure that nothing would interfere with their scheduled rendezvous, even if it meant her appearance wasn’t always up to par. However Josie always made sure to allow for extra time in preparing Mrs. Vladimir whenever they were to meet. And although she was an old woman she was still strikingly beautiful, the years for the most part had been very kind to her, and the preparations that Josie spoke of, was nothing more then simple vanity, of a once beautiful young girl. And while Josie was more then willing to reveal a few minor indiscretions or help Mr. Tidbit in their preparation for a surprise birthday party, she was also extremely loyal and protective of Mrs. Vladimir, and in a strange way she, like (Mrs. Vladimir), had grown fond of Mr. Tidbit and considered him a part of their family, however she also knew that Mrs. Vladimir had entrusted to her, and to her alone, her life and all that went with it, and after 20-years of service she had become the gatekeeper to what can best be described as an iconic and unique life and of a woman who valued her loyalty and her sense of duty in keeping certain sensitive information, secret. If you enjoyed reading this brief excerpt please take a moment and visit my website and write a brief review…it would be greatly appreciated authorsden/robertamoroso Mr. Tidbit’s Dilemma By Robert Amoroso ISBN-978-1-63249-577-8 Copyright 2014 Robert Amoroso
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:14:53 +0000

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