Excerpt from My Last Chance To Touch You by Keith D. Holler - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from My Last Chance To Touch You by Keith D. Holler Melissa disappears into the distance, merging into the crowd at the corner three blocks away near the college, on the way to her one o’clock class. Most of her neighbors have gone about their daily lives leaving the neighborhood quiet and mostly abandoned. Only one car has passed in the last fifteen minutes. Slowly, Marcus leaves his bench and crosses the street to the rear of her apartment. Taking a screwdriver from his back pocket, he wedges the tip into the gap between the jam and the door; sliding back the latch. The dog barks and growls like crazy. Tiny nails are scraping against the door as it throws itself against it. It’s only a matter of time before someone takes notice and interrupts his work peeking through closed curtains or half closed doors. Crouching down to block the dog’s escape, he pushes the door open just enough. The dog squeezes through the small space, latching onto his wrist growling and shaking his head back and forth. Pain shoots through his arm as the tiny sharp teeth cut through his skin. Blood runs down his palm and drips from his fingertips. Grabbing the dog tightly by the scruff of the neck with his left hand, it has no choice but to let go. Squeezing tighter the dog struggles as it is strangled by its own skin. Seconds later it goes limp but is not dead. In one quick movement Marcus tosses it into the yard. Grabbing the small shovel, leaning against the porch that Melissa uses for gardening, he finishes the job by pounding the unconscious animal into a hairy puddle of bloody gristle and bone on the well-kept grass. He can always get her another dog after they start their life together; one that likes him too. Picking up the screwdriver from the porch where it fell while dealing with the dog, he slips through the backdoor; pulling it closed behind him. Slipping the screwdriver into his back pocket, he finds himself in the brightly sun lit small kitchen. Pulling the lemon yellow drapes with a sunflower print closed above the 1950s style dinette set, he blocks the view of possible prying eyes of passersby.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 05:07:30 +0000

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