Excerpt from National Traveler Magazine - Featured - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from National Traveler Magazine - Featured Article January 15th, 2010 I HAVE SEEN THE ENEMY IN PAKISTAN by Samuel Towers Sarah Graham, a World Religions student from the University of Maryland, is laying dead at my feet. Her sparkling blue eyes are staring up at me from the sands of the Hindu Kush, black blood and viscera are dangling from where her neck has been severed from her body. The rest of her has been obliterated by the Hellfire Missile which detached from an American Predator drone and smashed into a small Pakistani village while we were having dinner inside one of the natives home. I am only alive because of a bladder made full from copious amounts of goats milk that my host, upon noticing my pleasure for the beverage, demanded that I imbibe. I do not want your readers to think that we are inhospitable and cruel, as we are portrayed in the American media, he said to me two minutes before he, and his entire family, and an American citizen were engulfed in an explosion that disintegrated their bodies. An eruption of fire so powerful that if I were to believe in the human soul, I am sure that it too would have been annihilated by the titanic explosion. There is no one left alive to hear the words I say to myself. I am an American, war has made me alone, now standing on a patch of farmland that my government has officially made a war zone. Fourteen minutes pass before I am picked up by a United States Coalition force, who are there to confirm the success of the drones attack. I call them criminals. I damn them. They take me into custody, find out that I am a journalist, and then leave me in a small room inside an American outpost on the Pakistani border. I am told by an unnamed man, who wears the rank of Major, that we were dining with a confirmed member of the Al-Qaeda network, who had been targeted months ago on the Presidents Kill List. He tells me that Im lucky to be alive, that I should be thankful, and to move on with my life. He also says there will be consequences if I attempt to report the event. As such reporting would be considered a breach in American National security, he says. Sarah Grahams parents have been told by the Coalition forces that their daughter was killed in a terrorist attack, and they are not lying, because they do not identify who the terrorist in this situation actually was. It was us. We killed Sarah Graham. And we did it in the name of American Imperialism... #prose #blackwells
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 03:32:02 +0000

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