( Excerpt from Nephilim) “ Tune into channel 6 news. I have just - TopicsExpress


( Excerpt from Nephilim) “ Tune into channel 6 news. I have just picked up a breaking newsflash on my blackberry, it’s got something to do with six locations at the moment.” Someone grabbed a remote and pointed it at a wall, the screen flickered, and faded into full register. An attractive blond anchor woman was rattling off the news in a typical clipped, professional tone, but it was the red strip at the bottom of the screen that caught everyones attention, “ Giant Soldiers take over White House, 10 Downing Street, The UN Buildings”. “There have been unconfirmed reports of casualties” , the anchorwoman was saying. “ All we know at this point is that the President of the United States as well as the first Lady have been detained, we have had similar reports of No. 10 Downing Street , the French Parliament, Russian Parliament , Chinese and Japanese government buildings have all been taken over by unconfirmed reports of ‘giant soldiers’ storming these buildings and subduing any resistance they encounter. As yet they have not made their intentions clear. We are now getting our correspondent from Washington DC on the line, ….Gabby, what is going on out there?” The flat screen mounted on the wall divided itself into two, the left half with the crisp and professional anchor woman, in a red tailored suit complete with perfect hair and makeup, and the other half in stark contrast with the reporter appearance , looking pale and haggard under the harsh glare of the on-camera flood lights. The wind was gusting and buffeting against the microphone, the rain slicing diagonally across her face between the lights and her face gave off a surreal effect that only added to the drama unfolding in the scene behind her on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as helicopters buzzed and clattered over and around the famous landmark like wasps who have had their nest disturbed by unwelcome intruders. “Well, as you can see” , she was virtually shouting into the microphone, “ there is a lot of activity behind me at the White House, we have heard gunshots, and what sounded like machine gun fire from within. There was an explosion in the West Wing, and since then its all been relatively quiet. Right now, the street has been blocked off, no one goes in or out, there are what appears to be army tanks on my right as you can see here. Gunships are now flying towards the White House, it looks like they have been given the go ahead to initiate hostilities….” Her voice trailed off as the camera swung and followed the flight of one of the Black Hawks as it throbbed its way towards the floodlit walls of the White House. An audible involuntary gasp from the onlookers was heard over the air as it suddenly erupted in a ball of fire, that spewed up and outward. The stricken machine plummeted as if in slow motion raining debris of molten metal and rubber onto the immaculate lawn, a tree caught alight as the main body cascaded onto it engulfing it in flames in a dramatic finale to an all too abrupt ending of retaliation. “ Gabby, are you there?” the anchor was saying, the screen was still divided, but the one half now only reflected electronic static. “ It would seem that we have lost communication, we will try to restore contact as soon as possible, in the meantime we are getting further reports from across the globe with the same pattern of events, Clark, what is your take on all this?” The camera panned back to show two news anchors sitting at a silver topped oval counter. Clark was a man in his early fifties, once the Prime anchor at CBC but in time replaced by a younger, more marketable model. “Well Cindy, as you can see, it would appear to be a very well co-ordinated takeover of global proportions. What the agenda is these individuals, is we can call them that, is not yet clear. All we can really do is wait and see.” “Hold on, it would seem that we have re-established our link with our news team in Washington, Gabby, what happened? We heard an explosion and then we lost contact, what is going on there?” The second half of the screen flickered into subdued life, the image now grainy and blurred and distorted with movement as the cameras sensors struggled to compensate in the low light. There was a brief pause and then the familiar voice of Gabriella dos Santos’s voice crackled into relief. “As you saw Cindy, there was an explosion, one of the helicopters was shot down and now all the others have also pulled back, so it’s a bit of a stand off now. No one is quite sure what move to make next, what we can ascertain for certain is that the new occupants of the White House mean business and will not hesitate to take whatever measures they deem necessary to achieve whatever objective they have set out to do.” “Gabby, we can hardly see you, …oh yes, there you are” , the stark isolated face of the journalist faded into sharp relief as the camera light came back on against the pitch black of the night, “ are you all right? Have there been any further attacks?” “ I am fine, the force of the explosion caused all the lights to go out, but it seems that we have restored power for the time being. As I was saying, ….wait, something is happening, someone seems to be walking towards us, actually, there is a group of them, …Andy, can you point the camera towards them, …they seem to be headed towards us, I don’t know if you can see what I am seeing here, but I can’t believe the size of these men, …they seem to be armed and wearing black armour, wait, one of them is kneeling down , he is pointing something in our direction, …Andy get down!...” “Gabby, Gabby, ….are you there…is everything ok out there…”
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 06:33:33 +0000

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