Excerpt from a UK Daily yesterday. Politics is ruled by a - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from a UK Daily yesterday. Politics is ruled by a bunch of pompous little twerps IS IT just me or is anyone else feeling particularly patronised by the political class at the moment? They’re on fire, this ridiculous lot, because of the upcoming European elections. First of all we have to stomach Nick Clegg, he of the enormous cojones, talking the usual balls. He tells us he loves being in government and intends to remain there for another 10 years. Is this a mockery of democracy or what? No one much likes him and hardly anyone votes for his party. I find his claims on power are a personal affront. And then there are the boys in the bubble, the Westminster-based political correspondents on the TV news. This week the BBC’s Nick Robinson was interviewing passengers on a cross-Channel ferry, asking their views on Europe. It was as if he had descended from Mount Olympus trailing clouds of glory. He was so pleased with himself toting his silly little ballot box. The Beeb always gets on its high horse when a major political event is in the offing. The forthcoming election has sent them into lecturing heaven and we shall shortly see those pompous schoolboy debates no doubt chaired by headmaster Dimbleby. I’m so sick of arrogant men telling me what to think. I sometimes feel these Westminster pundits think we are as significant as goldfish. So I’m feeling pretty apolitical at the moment. Here’s my assessment of our four so-called party leaders. David Cameron: Toad of Toad Hall. Nick Clegg: Tigger, bouncy but brainless. Ed Miliband: Wallace or Gromit. Nigel Farage: Kermit the Frog.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:56:55 +0000

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